Just Walking the Do...Em Horses?

Pets & Livestock

Folder: Wild Kingdom

Just Walking the Do...Em Horses?

Badger-faced Sheep


Can't Be Arsed

31 Aug 2012 140
You know you've had those days...the older I get the more of them I have...*snickers*

Cattle in the Driving Rain

11 Jul 2012 139
We had a driving bucketing rain at the hide, the cows did the oddest thing. They marched over to a lower ditch, put heads down into it, and backs to the rain. We showed the ranger afterwards, he'd never seen anything quite like it. I'm a country girl, we raised cattle a bit, I knew they would 'huddle' in rain but this was pretty cool.

Patio Life: Foiled Escape

20 Jun 2012 66
Doesn't look like much but she can bully a fox, the fox went running for it.

Red Eared Terrapin

28 May 2012 97
A few days ago I saw this guy in this same spot sunning, I thought...'what was that' took a few steps back and looked and thought 'Oh someones dumped some car parts or something here.' Took a few steps forward and heard the crashing splashing of an escaping turtle. Caught him this time even though pics are crap...lol Not a car part.

Winter Coat

Happy Happy Kitty Moo

12 Dec 2011 128
Getting photos of this cat is so hard, she loves the cameras red light meter laser thing, this time she was pretty out of it enjoying the fire.

Common Boa Enjoying Hastings

19 Aug 2011 87
This is a beautiful snake, female Common Boa, 3 years old.

He's Got A Big One

19 Aug 2011 99
This Girl was quite poplar with nearly everyone that passed by... and yes I mean the snake!

And Then ..

29 May 2011 132
The highland cow walks up to the bar... Reckon they've 'herd' that one before?...lol

Bullocks I Say!

29 May 2011 135
For my friend Liz :D

Right, Hand Over the Biscuits and No One Gets Hurt

29 May 2011 126
You just can't make this stuff up, 7 young bulls all in a row? How could I resist.

Kitty Moo

12 May 2011 107
Watching the bugs go by...

72 items in total