Patio LIfe:  Pseudeuophrys lanigera


Folder: Wild Kingdom

Enoplognatha sp.

Evarcha falcata

Evarcha falcata Female

Evarcha arcuata Female, Maybe

31 May 2014 1 182
This little gal could also be E. falcata but would need to give her body to science to be sure, I love jumping spiders so it won't be me that spidernaps

Evarcha arcuata Female, Maybe

31 May 2014 1 166
This little gal could also be E. falcata but would need to give her body to science to be sure, I love jumping spiders so it won't be me that spidernaps

Evarcha falcata Watching

Evarcha falcata

Heliophanus cupreus

Green Orb-weaver

25 May 2014 1 213
Its hard to catch one of these lovely colored spiders from the top, they build webs over a leaf so you're usually looking down at its belly...well this is a bit

Long-jawed Orb Weaver Pair

18 May 2014 1 1 213
This looks like a big fight, but its actually a male and female pair mating I believe.

Messy Webed Spider Needs Name

18 May 2014 2 237
Not sure which this is, haven't had time to look for it for an id.

Happy Spider

22 Jul 2013 212
Not so happy moth...

Patio Life: Common False Widow Steatoda nobilis

10 Jul 2013 1 1 280
And a very unfortunate Large White caterpillar, which by the way would have had to fall off the wall to wind up like this (with all those hooks on their feet, I couldn't believe this). But everyone has to eat...

Tiny Jumper

08 Jul 2013 144
Not sure about this tiny guy, was found running across a path where the Spiny Digger Wasps had nests, you can see he must be all of 5mm head to bum.

To Be A Spider or Not To Be

01 Jul 2013 170
I'm not sure about this, right amount of legs and all. Very! tiny and in both the photos I got no wasted portion but could have just been a bad angle. Running across the path in a sandy footpath at Brede.

Cheiracanthium erraticum Female

Spotted Wolf Spider w/ Spiderlings

Patio Life: Somedays You're The Fly

29 Jun 2013 1 1 159
You know its true...

176 items in total