Moss Lined Boot

Fungi, Lichens, & Moss

Folder: Wild Kingdom

Marline Fungi

11 Oct 2010 141
Another unknown fungi but then for me most of them are..haha

Dryad's Saddle

Unknown Fungi

12 Sep 2010 191
This maybe one of the parasol species but it just looked different to me, more finely fuzzy for one thing.. :)

Slivers of Light

Slime Mold

12 Apr 2010 159
This really had everyone up in arms a bit trying to figure out what it could be. It is as large as my fist. Cocoon? Is it an Egg Sac? Maybe some type of bag-worm... what could it be? Well LizMP sent her photos off to her contacts at Nature History Museum for ID and they immediately ID'd it as Slime Mold (Pulvinate aethalium). So not an alien body snatcher, which was my bet.

Slime Mold @ Kew

12 Apr 2010 199
Not 100% about the ID, I think these are Lycogala terrestre.

Slime Mold @ Kew

12 Apr 2010 185
Possibly Lycogala terrestre ?

'Airy Lichen

MacroDay Moss

MacroDay Fungi

Macro Moss

01 Feb 2010 204
Frosticles melting in the sun on the moss.

Macro Mossicles

01 Feb 2010 197
In lou of some real snow and after our Task Day at Alexandra park the day before, decided to get up early (for me) and get some macros of the frosticles.. These are melting but I just liked them on the tiny moss :)

Fall Lichen

24 Jan 2010 146
Pretty Lichens full of Color... remember when we used to get sunlight? Going through some stuff from last year...

Lichen Sculpture

11 Jan 2010 151
Looks like a sea creature up close :)

Da Shrooms

Tiny Fungi Family

02 Nov 2009 161
Originally I took this to have a play with putting some faces on them. Maybe I still will when I'm bored :) All this work on East Sussex Wildlife has me itchin for These came from a folder of unposted shots from 2009.

Shaggy Parasol Open

Possibly Common Bonnet

120 items in total