Greylag Geese Family


Folder: Wild Kingdom
Lovely strange beautiful funny birds :>


16 May 2014 195
In full swing.

Yellowhammer Male

16 May 2014 205
Perched nicely

Peregrine Falcon

16 May 2014 229
More of a record shot, one of the adults, we could hear the young ones screeching away a few metres up the cliff face in the Gorse. I was well pleased to see this bird, I knew we had a nesting pair every year but had never gotten more than a glimpse in the sky!

Ye 'Ol Birder

12 Mar 2014 1 239
off into the sunset


12 Mar 2014 230
Getting me ducks in a

Black Swan @ Combe Haven

22 Feb 2014 1 263
We had thought about going to Rye Harbour NR today but by the time we got up and around it was a bit late, so headed down to Combe Haven Countryside park, which floods in the winter usually, let alone now that we've had so much rain. We saw loads of lovely birds but this was by far the star of the show for me. Black Swan in the wild!

House Sparrow

Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus

19 Feb 2014 232
Yes that is the best I could get...haha, far away, bad light, lots of bullrush fluff... but this tiny guy had them coming for miles to see him.. Needless to say, it was not the highlight of my day out...


16 Feb 2014 1 1 242
Lovely guy.


16 Feb 2014 226
This guy was my favorite bird on the day.

Twitchy Twitchers

16 Feb 2014 213
The word spread like wildfire up and down the reserve, this is about half of see what all the fuss is about look at the next two pictures.....

Twitchy Penduline Tit

16 Feb 2014 248
This is the scene from where all the twitchers were in the previous photo, on the very center Bullrush there is a special little bird. Its a continental bird which we rarely get in the UK, a Peduline Tit. There was actually a pair of them at a near by hide at Dungeness, and some of the lucky folks that got to see them got some brilliant shots right outside the hide. For me however this is the best I got...just posting for posting sake really as a record, next photo is a 100% crop, you can almost make out his mask and color. Very attractive little birds, shame we didn't get there the day before.

Great Crested Grebe

16 Feb 2014 236
Love these guys.

Fowl Buffet at Dungeness

16 Feb 2014 236
Took advantage of the only semi calm, sunny day we've had this year so far...haha

Young Dunnock

08 Jul 2013 1 1 200
This lovely lady was hiding in the bracken, came up onto the fence briefly for this shot, looks young and has a rather long tail. Meadow Pipit maybe? Update: Thanks to Rockwolf for the ID on this one.

476 items in total