Bowood House, Wiltshire (main block demolished 1955)

Wiltshire. Lost Country Houses

Folder: Lost Country Houses
Compton Bassett House
Cowbridge House
Draycot House
Erestoke House
Rood Ashton House
Warneford Place

Bowood House, Wiltshire (main block demolished 195…

10 Jul 2015 1411
Bowood's Adam drawing room, was re-erected in the Lloyds Building in the City Of London, when that was demolished it was put into store before being re-erected at the top of the Lloyds tower where it acts as a board room.

Compton Bassett House, Wiltshire (Demolished)

Cowbridge House, Wiltshire (Demolished 2007)

16 Jul 2015 629
Cowbridge House was used in the Second World War to develop radar, the establishment was headed by Sir Bernard Lovell and became an important part of the alied war effort. Radar systems were manufactured secretly in its grounds in structures disguised to fool bombers. It was demolished in 2007.

Draycot House, Draycot Cerne, Wiltshire (Demolishe…

Draycot House, Draycot Cerne, Wiltshire (Demolishe…

Erlestoke House, Wiltshire (Burnt and Demolished 1…

Yorkshire 005

Yorkshire 012

The Lodge, Fonthill, Wiltshire

Rood Ashton House, West Ashton, Wiltshire (unroofe…

Rood Ashton House, West Ashton, Wiltshire (unroofe…

16 Dec 2017 419
Apparently the service wing has survived and is now a private house.

Staircase Hall, Rood Ashton House, West Ashton, Wi…

Warneford Place, Wiltshire (Demolished c1962)

New Park, Roundway, Wiltshire (Demolished 1955)