Berny's photos
Paper Factory Smiling Sun
Thirsty Elephant Bird (Aepyornis Titan)
According to Wikipedia this species is extinct, but as you can see, it's obviously not!!
the burnt archives
Green Dream
the tractor
Centrale Termoelettrica P
Centrale Termoelettrica P
Green Power Plant
MAN Ljungström turbine with two Ansaldo generators - in an abandoned power plant of a former steelworks
Castello G - XIV century
Castello G - XIV century
Microwave for your brain
Ospedale Neuropsichiatrico
Ospedale Neuropsichiatrico
Palazzo d'Oro
long hall
The Monolith, abandoned huge high bay storage for metal coils - part of the steel industry
Shoemaker's House
Shoemaker's House
Shoemaker's House