2 hours in Graz - 007a - Dark

The Dark Side

2 hours in Graz - 007a - Dark

13 Oct 2008 14 10 2525
better view in large......

The dark house

21 Oct 2008 2 1 1330
...near the White House in Washington,...this is not so well known, so I thought, I take this one......

dark yellow night

18 Feb 2009 5 890
driving home at night in the Enns river valley........

Berlin Stralau - Dark

28 Sep 2009 15 7 1681
Berlin Stralau - especially for Johnny Stompanato


12 Apr 2009 14 3 1453
come in, come in this very day, lost in my purple undergrounds all secrets will you loose, I'll bewitch you with the velvet sounds in my dark concrete noose, come in, come in this very day, and get drunken from my sapphire blue cafe.


dark room

13 Nov 2011 40 8 1591
only on black

dark tank

18 Jul 2016 43 13 1151
The Shell Tank: In 1937 the Lofoten-Norwegian-English Mineral Oil LTD based in Svolvaer got permission to place an oil tank in Nyksund. Shell placed the tank behind the 'Klo fish factory'. The oil from the tank was sold from the Klo fish factory, later known as Nyksund Production. Shell supplied diesel from the tank until 1978. From 2008, the tank has been used in various creative ways, today it serves as a design workshop, gallery and musical playground. The long-term plan is to rebulid the tank so that it can be an expanded arena for a wide spectrum of creative productions and art forms. For more information go to: www.changedperspective.com better view in large!

dark basement - 3

02 Sep 2018 54 21 769
abandoned steelworks - better on black

Stair to........

Joaneum by night - 2

t u n n e l - 8

31 Mar 2009 4 2 1012
caterpillar traces..............

light outside....

should I go or should I stay

125 items in total