
textile mill

An abandoned textile mill in Austria, still almost all wonderful machines inside. Founded 1851 and family run from 1879 to 2004.

the road to the factory

24 Nov 2019 30 7 287
This small alley leads to a mysterious abandoned textile factory, which I visited on a dark, misty, rainy and cold day. The following images are about this lost place.

strange stone

24 Nov 2019 40 15 339
Forst view of the lost textile factory and a strange stone at the wayside, called "Schwedenkreuz"....

the abandoned textile mill

24 Nov 2019 38 24 402
Today I visited an abandoned textile mill with almost all old machines still there. I'll make an album in the future. The typical November weather made the inside very dark and dusky, but I tried to make the best of it.

boiler house chimney

24 Nov 2019 16 2 214
The octagonal chimney of the boiler house shown before, still in a quite good state. - Abandoned textile mill in Austria - see PiP!

textile factory

chaos and a tank

24 Nov 2019 19 1 293
First views inside the textile factory show nothing but chaos, but it will change...this is obviously an oil tank, for heavy oil, used for 2 boilers for steam and heating. The roof collapsed during the winter 2004/2005 with heavy snowfall, when the weight was too much for the old construction.

the old workshop

24 Nov 2019 38 6 295
old lathe in the abandoned textile factory

the old workshop

24 Nov 2019 65 23 433
abandoned textile mill in Austria

the old workshop

workshop - 2

24 Nov 2019 16 171
another workshop room in the abandoned textile mill...

Hi machine!

24 Nov 2019 20 5 190
In the corner of another workshop room I found this nice machine, probably a heavy duty sewing machine, thanks Keith!


24 Nov 2019 11 1 187
Not all photos are that interesting photographically, but are shown just for documentation. Who knows how long this place will exist.

textile mill - weir

textile mill - weir

the weir

24 Nov 2019 46 7 485
abandoned textile factory

it was a weir

24 Nov 2019 50 24 507
The abandoned intake channel to the hydro turbine is situated here under the floor with an old weir.

"control center" - 1

"control center" - 2

154 items in total