Korfu, Day 1


Korfu, Day 1

11 Sep 2022 12 11 272
Just arrive first . . . ~~~~~ Einfach erst mal ankommen . . .

Corfu, Day 2

12 Sep 2022 38 21 349
Sunrise at the beach of Dassia . ~~~~~ Sonnenaufgang am Strand von Dassia .

Korfu, Early Morning

12 Sep 2022 4 1 179
At the hotel pool ~~~~~ Am Hotelpool ~~~~~

Korfu, Early Morning

12 Sep 2022 17 4 255
At the hotel pool ~~~~~ Am Hotelpool ~~~~~

Korfu, Early Morning

12 Sep 2022 10 4 182
At the hotel pool ~~~~~ Am Hotelpool ~~~~~

Korfu, Early Morning

12 Sep 2022 35 16 292
At the hotel pool ~~~~~ Am Hotelpool ~~~~~

A Day In The Hotel - Breakfast

A Day In The Hotel - Pool Area (1)

A Day In The Hotel - Pool Area (2)

A Day In The Hotel - Pool Area (3)

A Day In The Hotel - Childrens Area

A Day In The Hotel - Childrens Area

A Day In The Hotel - Lunch

A Day In The Hotel - Dessert

A Day In The Hotel - Siesta

Korfu, New Venetian Fortress

12 Sep 2022 15 2 168
Neue Venezianische Festung ~~~~~

Corfu, Day 3

12 Sep 2022 22 11 241
Blick von der Alten Venezianischen Festung in Korfu auf 'Faliraki'

Korfu, Old Harbour

12 Sep 2022 10 1 210
Der alte Hafen von Korfu ~~~~~

75 items in total