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Waldbank, Waldtisch und noch eine Waldbank
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Camera: motorola edge 40
Exposure:0.00136 sec. (1/735)
Focal Length:5.9 mm
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Not Defined
Max Aperture:1.0
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:4096 x 2304 pixels
Original Date:2024:10:16 09:48:18.224
Created on:2024:10:16 09:48:18.224
Software:PaintShop Pro 19,00
Brightness Value9.1
Color SpacesRGB
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Device Mfg DescFUJITSU
Device Model DescFUJITSU P27-9 TE QHD
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Exif Version0220
Exposure Compensation-11.6
Exposure ModeAuto
Flash FiredFalse
Flash FunctionFalse
Flash ModeUnknown
Flash Red Eye ModeFalse
Flash ReturnNo return detection
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Length In 35mm Format0 mm
History.# LayerDuplicate.........# LayerDuplicate.........# Hochpass....'Desaturate&# 039;: False, ....'Radius': 4.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': None, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': App.Constants.BlendMode.SoftLi ght, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Hid e, ....'Path': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1.....# Vector Selection Update....'Path': (0,-1,[],False), ....'Type': App.Constants.ObjectSelection. Select.....# Gaußsche Unschärfe....'Radius 9;: 20.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Sho w, ....'Path': (0,1,[],False), ....'WorkingMode': 0.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Hid e, ....'Path': (0,1,[],False), ....'WorkingMode': 0.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': None, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': App.Constants.BlendMode.SoftLi ght, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Sho w, ....'Path': (0,1,[],False), ....'WorkingMode': 0.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': 67, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': None, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# Vector Selection Update....'Path': (0,-1,[],False), ....'Type': App.Constants.ObjectSelection. Select.....# LayerDuplicate.........# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': 36, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': None, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': None, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': App.Constants.BlendMode.Screen , ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# MaskFromImage....'CreateM askFrom': App.Constants.CreateMaskFrom.L uminance, ....'InvertMaskData' : True, ....'SourceImage': 0.....# Einstellen - Helligkeit/Kontrast....'B rightnessContrast': .....'Brightness': -76, .....'Contrast': 48, .....'BrightnessNew' : 0, .....'ContrastNew': 0, .....'UseLinearBC': True.....# Vector Selection Update....'Path': (1,2,[],False), ....'Type': App.Constants.ObjectSelection. Select.....# LayerMergeAll....'Working Mode': 0.....# Größe ändern....'AspectRatio&# 039;: 1.77778, ....'CurrentDimensionUnit s': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.P ixels, ....'CurrentResolutionUni ts': App.Constants.ResolutionUnits. PixelsPerIn, ....'Height': 900, ....'MaintainAspectRatio& #039;: True, ....'Resample': True, ....'ResampleType': App.Constants.ResampleType.Bic ubic, ....'ResizeAllLayers' ;: True, ....'Resolution': 72, ....'Width': 1600, ....'SharpnessValue' : 21, ....'AdvancedMode': True, ....'ResizeType': 0, ....'OneSide_Type': 0, ....'OneSide_LongWidth� 39;: 4830, ....'OneSide_ShortHeight& #039;: 2716, ....'OneSide_Unit': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.P ixels, ....'OneSide_Active' : 0.....# LayerDuplicate.........# Unscharf maskieren....'Clipping� 39;: 4, ....'Radius': 4, ....'Strength': 20, ....'Luminance': True.....# Unscharf maskieren....'Clipping� 39;: 4, ....'Radius': 0.4, ....'Strength': 125, ....'Luminance': True.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Hid e, ....'Path': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.C
Image Size1600x900
Light SourceOther
Light Value10.5
Metering ModeCenter-weighted average
Recommended Exposure Index0
Resolution Unitinches
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodNot defined
Sensitivity TypeUnknown
Sub Sec Time224
Sub Sec Time Digitized224
Sub Sec Time Original224
Thumbnail Offset7067
White BalanceAuto
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.1.2
Y Cb Cr PositioningCo-sited

GPS Information

GPS Altitude859 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Date Stamp2024:10:16
GPS Date/Time2024:10:16 07:48:17Z
GPS Latitude49 deg 59' 51.99" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude11 deg 55' 56.76" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Position49 deg 59' 51.99" N, 11 deg 55' 56.76" E
GPS Processing MethodGPS
GPS Time Stamp07:48:17
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0