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Camera: SONY DSC-HX90V
Exposure:0.01 sec. (1/100)
Focal Length:4.1 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Shutter speed priority AE
Max Aperture:3.5
Resolution:350 x 350 dpi
Dimension:4896 x 3672 pixels
Compression:3 bits/pixels
Original Date:2022:09:04 12:27:11
Created on:2022:09:04 12:27:11
Software:PaintShop Pro 19,00
Brightness Value9.634375
Circle Of Confusion0.005 mm
Color SpacesRGB
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Custom RenderedNormal
Device Mfg DescFUJITSU
Device Model DescFUJITSU P27-9 TE QHD
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Exif Version0230
Exposure Compensation-1
Exposure ModeAuto
Field Of View73.7 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Flash FiredFalse
Flash FunctionFalse
Flash ModeOff
Flash Red Eye ModeFalse
Flash ReturnNo return detection
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Length In 35mm Format24 mm
History.# An Achse ausrichten....'Angle' ;: 1.34583, ....'CropImage': True, ....'GuidelineCenter' ;: (0.452492,0.738613), ....'GuidelineLength' ;: 0.597142, ....'GuidelineRotateAngle ': 1.34583, ....'RotateAll': True, ....'RotateMode': App.Constants.RotateMode.Auto, ....'BackgroundMaterial&# 039;: .....'Color': (35,167,201), .....'Pattern': None, .....'Gradient': None, .....'Texture': None, .....'Art': None.....# LayerDuplicate.........# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': 24, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': None, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': None, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': App.Constants.BlendMode.Multip ly, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': 20, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': None, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Hid e, ....'Path': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Sho w, ....'Path': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1.....# Lokales Tonemapping....'General&# 039;: .....'Opacity': 100, .....'Name': u'Ebene zur Anpassung des lokalen Tonemappings 1', .....'IsVisible': True, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': False, .....'LinkSet': 0, .....'UseHighlight': False, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': (255,255,64), .....'GroupLink': True, .....'BlendMode': App.Constants.BlendMode.Normal , ....'EffectLayer_Root 9;: .....'WorkingMode': 0, ....'Overlay': .....'Color': (255,0,0), .....'Opacity': 50, ....'LocalToneMapping 9;: .....'LocalToneMappingSte ngth': 2, .....'LocalToneMappingBlo ckSize': 8.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Hid e, ....'Path': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Sho w, ....'Path': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1.....# MultiObjectProperties....' ;General': .....'Opacity': 53, .....'Name': None, .....'IsVisible': None, .....'IsTransparencyLocke d': None, .....'LinkSet': None, .....'UseHighlight': None, .....'PaletteHighlightCol or': None, .....'GroupLink': None, .....'BlendMode': None, ....'Effects': None, ....'WorkingMode': 1, ....'Path': None....04.09.2022 19:47:13 # Datei 'DSC01733.pspimage' gespeichert......# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Hid e, ....'Path': (0,-1,[],False), ....'WorkingMode': 0.....# LayerSetVisibility....'Co mmand': App.Constants.ShowCommands.Sho w, ....'Path': (0,-1,[],False), ....'WorkingMode': 0.....# Vector Selection Update....'Path': (0,-1,[],False), ....'Type': App.Constants.ObjectSelection. Select.....# Vector Selection Update....'Path': (0,1,[],False), ....'Type': App.Constants.ObjectSelection. Select.....# LayerMergeAll....'Working Mode': 0.....# Größe ändern....'AspectRatio&# 039;: 0.749947, ....'CurrentDimensionUnit s': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.P ixels, ....'CurrentResolutionUni ts': App.Constants.ResolutionUnits. PixelsPerIn, ....'Height': 2000, ....'MaintainAspectRatio& #039;: True, ....'Resample': True, ....'ResampleType': App.Constants.ResampleType.Bic ubic, ....'ResizeAllLayers' ;: True, ....'Resolution': 350, ....'Width': 1500, ....'SharpnessValue' : 21, ....'AdvancedMode': True, ....'ResizeType': 0, ....'OneSide_Type': 0, ....'OneSide_LongWidth� 39;: 4830, ....'OneSide_ShortHeight& #039;: 3622, ....'OneSide_Unit': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.P ixels, ....'OneSide_Active' : 0....04.09.2022 19:48:41 # Datei 'DSC01733_.jpg' gespeichert......# An Achse ausrichten....'Angle' ;: 1.34583, ....'CropImag
Hyperfocal Distance0.52 m
Image Size900x1200
Lens Info4.1-123mm f/3.5-6.4
Lens Specification4.1, 123, 3.5, 6.4
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value12.3
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Recommended Exposure Index80
Resolution Unitinches
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent5.9
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensitivity TypeRecommended Exposure Index
Thumbnail Offset6809
White BalanceManual
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.1.2
Y Cb Cr PositioningCo-sited