.t.a.o.n.'s favorite photos

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By Bergfex

83 favorites

Too Beautiful for the World

Hallstadt in the Salzkammergut (Upper Austria) was reproduced in detail in China. As a result, the annual number of visitors has doubled to almost 100,000 since 2012. Not all inhabitants are happy about it. ~~~~~ Hallstadt im Salzkammergut (Oberösterreich) wurde in China detailgetreu nachgebaut. Seitdem hat sich die jährliche Besucherzahl seit 2012 auf fast 100.000 verdoppelt. Nicht alle Einwohner sind darüber erfreut.

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By Bergfex

83 favorites


The Green Lake near Tragöß (Styria, Austria), one of the most beautiful places of this wonderful country. This lake is filled with very cold and very clear water only during the early summer months. You'll find a very good description of this miracle here: aplus.com/a/gruner-see-austria-park-goes-under-water ~~~~~ Der Grüne See in der Nähe von Tragöß (Steiermark, Österreich), einer der schönsten Plätze Österreichs. Hier durfte ich heute meinen Geburtstag verbringen. Eine sehr gute (englischsprachige) Beschreibung mit weiteren traumhafte schönen Bildern unter obigem Link. ~~~~~ Photo merge made from 8 wide angle captures / Bild zusammengesetzt aus 8 Weitwinkelaufnahmen.

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By Bergfex

94 favorites


The Paternkofel (Monte Paterno, 2.744m, South Tyrol) in the evening sun. In the foreground below right the alpine hut Rifugio Antonio Locatelli Alle Tre Cime . ~~~~~ Der Paternkofel (Monte Paterno, 2.744m, Südtirol) in der Abendsonne. Im Vordergrund unten rechts die Dreizinnen-Hütte (Rifugio Antonio Locatelli Alle Tre Cime). ~~~~~ Earlier:

By Bergfex

133 favorites

Tre Cime di Lavaredo (2)

Paternkofel and Tre Cime di Lavaredo captured out of one of the World War I positions. ~~~~~ Paternkofel und Drei Zinnen aus einer der Weltkriegsstellungen aus dem 1. Weltkrieg heraus fotografiert. ~~~~~ PoV:

By Belleuse

23 favorites


Chris Duarte Group ~ .32 Blues www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8gBDCNM3s8 What a strange association now with this photo taken 2 years ago....... Photo from the exhibition of the best student diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts / Łódź/POLAND 2018. Central Museum of Textiles, Lodz. A collection of clothes inspired by the threats of the modern world caused by activity and of the forces of nature. Faculty of Textile and Fashion. Author: Grzegorz Musiał. more here : www.magwojart.wordpress.com

By Belleuse

37 favorites


www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLzuADHPoeg "Estate" Vinicio Capossela

By Belleuse

35 favorites

above all

www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN22X8gsD1g "God Gave Me Everything..."Mick Jagger In April 2020 I had the big pleasure to participate for the third time in the 23st International Competition of Digital Creation CYBERFOTO 2020, Poland, and this set of two photos from serie SPRING FANTASIES: "Mindfulness Trening" and "Under Water" have been qualified for the exhibition. www.cyberfoto.czest.pl/index2.php?lang=En Despite the isolation, culture is alive ;-) Photos also here: SPRING FANTASIES: "Under Water" www.ipernity.com/doc/261455/44368952/in/album/1067234 SPRING FANTASIES: "Mindfulness Trening" www.ipernity.com/doc/261455/44776162

By Belleuse

31 favorites

rural life

The Rain Is Falling - Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa www.song-list.net/videos/warsawvillageband/rainisfalling

By Belleuse

37 favorites

Save your dreams... ( A.Modigliani)

Santana- She's Not There www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoz8iXjfH4Y more here : www.magwojart.wordpress.com
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