Lusitano North

29 Dec 2012 3 5 460
Guimarães, seen from a cable car
28 Dec 2012 9 8 446
Guimarães, Largo da Oliveira

The water is green

Portugal Was Born Right Here

GUIMARÃES, the European Capital of Culture 2012, i…

Guimarães, youngster´s parade

Guimarães, Museum Alberto Sampaio, sacred art (1)

Guimarães, Museum Alberto Sampaio, sacred art, clo…

Guimarães, historical centre

18 Feb 2007 18 23 1657
Clothes without souls are suspended hanging from windows and balconies socks shirts knickers hankies and pyjamas are dying under ropes flaped flags by winds of history water's drops that homeland bleeds since pavement stones are the city. /// Vêtements accrochent sans âme pendues des fenêtres et balcons chaussettes chemises culottes mouchoirs et pyjamas agonisent sous les cordres drapeaux aux vents de l'histoire gouttes d'eau que la patrie saigne depuis que les pierres de chaussée sont la cité. /// Roupas pendem sem alma enforcadas nas janelas e varandas meias camisas cuecas lenços e pijamas agonizam nas cordas bandeiras ao vento da história pingam águas que a pátria sangra desde que as pedras da calçada são cidade. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS, MÚSICAS E BLASFÉMIAS QUE ENVELHEÇO NA CIDADE", Ulmeiro Editores, 1996 (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2017; 4th edition, 2019)

Middle Ages Building

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira

29 Dec 2012 4 3 493
over the ruins of a pre-romantic monastery built by D. Mumadona (949), the Collegiate Church was established in the 12th century

São Gualter Church

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Penha

Cave of S. Elias, the Sleep' Saint

29 Dec 2012 7 8 729
Penha de Guimarães
29 Dec 2012 5 7 493
Penha de Guimarães, Chapel of Saint Christopher
29 Dec 2012 9 14 575
Penha de Guimarães
29 Dec 2012 5 5 565
First aerial crossing of the South Atlantic, 1922 - Memorial, Penha de Guimarães

Vines Clinging To Trees

30 Oct 2012 3 9 458
at S. Torcato, Guimarães

172 items in total