Maynard Dixon


-- 2012 --

Mount Carmel
Maynard Dixon's home
Bryce Canyon

Maynard Dixon

29 Oct 2016 1 182
photo of Maynard Dixon, outside of Charles Lummis' house, early 1900's. Photo by Charles Lummis. See also: Charles Fletcher Lummis was an early mentor to Maynard Dixon, who became a lifelong friend. Lummis was a traveller, historian, journalist, and all round bon vivant. He knew everybody there was to know! He was the Gertrude Stein of the Los Angeles west coast scene in his day!

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah - The Amphitheat…

30 Sep 2012 5 1 353
DAY 4 SUN 30 SEPT 2012 It's even more impressive when you're standing there..

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

01 Oct 2012 1 281
DAY 5 MON 1 OCT 2012 The Pueblo Anasazi, and then the Paiute gathered, hunted and foraged through here. Paiute legend say the trickster mąʼii (coyote) turned the evil spirits of the legend people into these stone sentinels, and called them Anka-ku-was-a-wits (red painted faces).

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

01 Oct 2012 1 255
In harmony may I walk. With harmony ahead me, may I walk. With harmony behind me, may I walk. With harmony above me, may I walk. With harmony underneath my feet, may I walk. With harmony all around me, may I walk. It is done in harmony. ~Navajo Our guide and driver, Lloyd Taylor (Flagstaff).

Ancient Spirits

01 Oct 2012 276
We gaze into the sandstone amphitheature one last time to stop and reflect, before heading to Monument Valley. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah DAY 5 MON 1 OCT 2012

Hello and Goodbye to Ancient Spirits

01 Oct 2012 1 2 323
Be still and the earth will speak to you. ~Navajo Proverb We gaze into the sandstone amphitheature one last time, and say goodbye, before heading to Monument Valley. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah DAY 5 MON 1 OCT 2012

The Ancients Whisper

01 Oct 2012 6 2 418
Be still and the earth will speak to you. ~Navajo Proverb These sandstone sentinels stand as ancient monuments to the ghosts of the past. The Pueblo-Anasazi, and then the Paiute gathered, hunted and foraged through here. Paiute legend say the trickster mąʼii (coyote) turned the evil spirits of the legend people into these stone sentinels, and called them Anka-ku-was-a-wits (red painted faces). Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah DAY 5 MON 1 OCT 2012

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Mt. Carmel, UT - Thunderbird Restaurant

01 Oct 2012 280
DAY 5 MON 1 OCT 2012 Drive: from Bryce Canyon, Utah to Monument Valley, AZ We passed this restaurant twice en route, which sits at the crossroads between Zion and Bryce (Hwy 89 and Route 9) - making it a convenient rest step for travellers to and from these areas. While we didn't know it at the time, the Thunderbird restaurant is actually part of the Best Western chain. The Thunderbird restaurant (& hotel's namesake) - looking to capitalize on the tourist trade - probably took their name from the nearby home and historic site of famous southwest artist Maynard Dixon (1875 - 1946), who adopted the thunderbird as his signature logo. We did stop to eat here, and while we thought the food was OK, tripadvisor offers mixed reviews.