First photo

Ethiopia 2010

First photo

08 Nov 2010 96
Everything becomes easier after the first shutter press of a trip. This was a rather cloudy day after a tiring journey from the uk. The outside of the cathedral looked pretty drab so my finger wasn't tempted, but this rather jolly sculpture detail nearby caught my eye. Holy Trinity Cathedral, Addis Ababa.

Noah Gives Thanks

08 Nov 2010 137
Window in the Holy Trinity Cathedral - Addis Ababa.

Garden of Eden

08 Nov 2010 79
Window in the Holy Trinity Cathedral - Addis Ababa.

The Queen of Sheba meets King Solomon

08 Nov 2010 112
Window in the Holy Trinity Cathedral - Addis Ababa.

Well it is Christmas after all!

08 Nov 2010 82
Transfiguration window. Got the right character, but wrong event. There was one of the nativity but I seem to have missed it out. Window in the Holy Trinity Cathedral - Addis Ababa.

Times Three

09 Nov 2010 130
Painting from Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia


09 Nov 2010 101
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia


09 Nov 2010 107
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Arms Folded

09 Nov 2010 108
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Devil keeping warm

09 Nov 2010 110
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Cat Herder

09 Nov 2010 93
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Cherubs over a doorway

09 Nov 2010 91
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Cherubs being squished

09 Nov 2010 99
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Wedged-in Cherub

09 Nov 2010 126
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia


09 Nov 2010 89
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Cherubs on the ceiling

09 Nov 2010 104
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Off with his head!

09 Nov 2010 96
Painting from inside Debre Birhan Selassie, Gonder, Ethiopia

Fairytale Castle

09 Nov 2010 132
Shame about the weather - not ideal for photography.

91 items in total