
Paris - Brest - Paris: 2011

2 099 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Bicycles, Rides and Riding

11 Sep 2014

126 visits

Course marshalls

23 Aug 2011

122 visits

Sleep where and when you can. Evening of 3rd day


23 Aug 2011

149 visits

Alan Woods Arriving in Carhaix at 703km on way to Paris. Not smiling now. Evening, 3rd day, August 23.

23 Aug 2011

152 visits

Alan arriving Carhaix on way back to Paris. Evening of 3rd day, August 23.

23 Aug 2011

128 visits

Left to right: Mark Thomas, Joel Platzner, and Corey Thompson arriving in Carhaix during the evening of August 23

23 Aug 2011

133 visits



23 Aug 2011

132 visits

Lycee General Technologique P. Serusier, the control at Carhaix. Evening of 3rd day. 6:33PM August 23.

23 Aug 2011

140 visits

Corey Thompson at Lycee General Technologique P. Serusier, the Carhaix control, looking like he had ridden 700km (and he had!)

23 Aug 2011

181 visits

Left to right: Gerard and Corey at Lycee General Technologique P. Serusierin, Carhaix, evening August 23

147 items in total