The Round Barn

Sunday: Diamond to Round Barn

Folder: Malheur - Steens Photography Tour, September 2024

30 May 2020

19 visits

Outstanding Diamond Craters


12 May 2012

14 visits

Stop 6

Crater at Stop 6 of BLM Diamond Crater Auto Tour. IMG 9920-Alan-DiamondCrater

30 May 2020

1 favorite

20 visits

Owls in the Crater

Great-horned Owls within the crater at Stop 6, BLM Auto Tour of Diamond Craters - 136

15 May 2019

20 visits

Canyon Wren

Canyon Wren on rim of crater at Stop 6 BLM Auto Tour of Diamond Craters - DSC2407 copy

27 Apr 2022

23 visits

The Maar

Only one of the Diamond Craters has a pond in it. It is called the "Maar". - DSC05276-DiamondCraters

19 Apr 2020

17 visits

Ocean of Sage

Sagebrush Steppe cover the landscape near Diamond Craters - 2T2B3652

01 May 2023

21 visits

Sagebrush Steppe meet the Sky


19 Apr 2020

19 visits

The Round Barn

Peter French's Round Barn, north of Diamond, Oregon on Diamond Craters Rd. - 156 2T2B3658-tz

21 Apr 2019

20 visits

Inside the Round

Slow walk in the shade, round-and-round, cools horses. Round barn, north of Diamond, Oregon - 156a 1T2B5959
11 items in total