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Au Cœur... diagonalhorizon, Janet Brien have particularly liked this photo

7 comments - The latest ones
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
It has been such a strange year. It doesn't seem real at all. First to see this thing happening so far from home, like we are watching a morbid show. And then it begins to get a tiny bit closer...then closer still...until for us there are three cases in our county (but only 340 tests for 220,000 people...that number would be much higher we're sure.) We are assuming it's all over the place so we're holed up on our property with plenty of provisions. My younger brother and wife live very close to San Francisco...we chatted the other day and his wife had a "very bad cold and cough"...but wasn't tested. I would guess she had it. Maybe my brother too, but maybe asymptomatic...so now this thing touches my family. It's crazy. People are so disrespectful that they disregard the reason we must be so careful--the older population, people susceptible...it's THEM we must be careful of and yet, all of these people just won't do simple math. Our president is insane...to think this person thinks older people should all be thrown under the bus when HE is also part of that group he thinks should just be happy about dying. I mean...it's just so crazy. And I cannot bear to read the horror of people who are actually being forced to choose who lives and who dies because there aren't enough medical supplies and equipment. And my god...too many all at once to give burials or cremations to...I cannot handle this horrible reality because it's just so unfair and cruel. :(

I did want to say thank you for your kind visit to my waterfall picture and presentation! Thank you for taking the time to read about my adventure, I hope that it allowed you to forget our traumatic reality for just a few minutes. It is amazing that we had no idea how the world would change just 6 months later...
4 years ago.
 Ulrich Dinges
Ulrich Dinges club
Liebe Janet Du brauchst dich nicht mit einer ganz langen Beschreibung bei mir zu bedanken.
Es ist wunderbar und beklemmend was Du über dein Heimatland geschrieben hast.

Die Stadt Hannover in der ich lebe hat etwa 500 000 Einwohner. Vorgestern (24.03.2020) waren davon 271 Personen infiziert, gestern sind 44 dazugekommen. Selbst der Bürgermeister ist infiziert und muss sich auf Anordnung des Gesundheitsamtes von seiner Frau und seinen Kindern fern halten; dabei ist sein jüngster Sohn gerade erst zur Welt gekommen. Auch für die engsten Mitarbeitern des Bürgermeisters wurden als Kontaktpersonen vom örtlichen Gesundheitsamt strenge Quarantäne angeordnet..

Übrigens auch unsere Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hatte Kontakt zu Infizierten und ist deshalb in Quarantäne gegangen. Sie führt ihre Amtsgeschäfte derzeit Offline.

In Deutschland gibt es ein Kontaktverbot für mehr als 2 Menschen.(Ausgangssperren gibt es aus Rechtsgründen der Verfassung ausdrücklich nicht - zu den Kriegszeiten durften beispielsweise von Obrigkeiten Leute die ein Ausgehverbot missachteten sogar erschossen werden).

Wir versuchen hier in der Gruppe unabhängig von meinem schlichten Bild oben viele Diskussionen zur Pandemie zu führen, denn Corvid 19 kennt keine Landesgrenzen und ist selbst unbeeindruckt von unseren schönsten Fotos.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Janet Brien club has replied to Ulrich Dinges club
Thank you for your reply, Ulrich...I hope things improve in Germany soon and lives are spared.
4 years ago.
 Ulrich Dinges
Ulrich Dinges club
das wünsche ich uns allen in Deutschland
4 years ago.
Au Cœur... diagonalh… club has replied to Ulrich Dinges club
what about me my friend ?
Und Ich ? Ulrich ! lol

What I find valuable in this crisis despite its severity nd inner sadness :

is that it prooves by A+B that we are now a whole bunch of planet inhabitants,
exactly like passengers on the "EARTH spaceship"
thrown towards an unknown destination.

With no inner borders and
Above all ...Human

Greetings from our neighborhood ;-)
4 years ago.
Au Cœur... diagonalh… club has added
of course I understand your reply to Janet as there was a context & she referred specifically to Germany (part of my original roots come from there...)
Don't worry too much
4 years ago.
Ulrich Dinges club has replied to Au Cœur... diagonalh… club
But you ask for me: I am not infected. I belong to the group with risks for several reasons.

A large part of my income came from France in my last years of work. When I drove my Renault to the Hauts-de-France region, my route planner didn't even find Paris.

I've been at Iperniy for quite a long time and more than 10 years ago they still have well-kept blogs and discussions in individual groups. This group Covid19 I have founded recently. I'm not so much interested in the photos here but in a lively exchange of ideas in the discussion in this group
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.

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