Cats Bursting with Best Wishes

Animals in Printed Ephemera

Folder: Ephemera

Cats Bursting with Best Wishes

Dogs Bursting with Best Wishes

W. H. Walmsley, Manager, R. & J. Beck, Opticians,…

12 Aug 2013 2 1547
"R. & J. Beck, opticians, No.1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Walmsley, manager. Spectacles, eye glasses, opera glasses, microscopes, thermometers, telescopes." For another trade card from this company, see R. & J. Beck, Opticians, Philadelphia, Pa. (thumbnail image below).

Memorial Day Greetings

Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

28 May 2013 5 1839
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children Mothers, use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure in place of stupefying syrups, paregoric, and cordials. Immediate relief for wind colic or crying babies. Not injurious. Pleasant physic, teething lotion, diarrhoea mixture, cough and croup medicine. Colic cure, worm elixir, general tonic, chafing.

J. Kohn, the Leading Clothier and Hatter, Portland…

30 May 2013 3 1654
J. Kohn, the leading clothier and hatter, corner First and Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon.

Butterfly Brand Extra Small Refugee Beans Label

Parrot Safety-Match

05 Jul 2013 3 1456
Parrot Safety-Match. Made in Sweden. Jönköpings & Vulcans Tändsticksfabriks T.F.A.B., Sweden.

Florida Tourists


18 Oct 2013 6 1328
A black cat scaring veggie people in a Raphael Tuck Halloween postcard.

Halloween—Witch and Black Cat on a Broomstick

May 25th, Unlucky for Felts

18 May 2015 6 1 937
Straw Hat Day, when it was customary for men to put away their winter felt hats and don their summer straw hats, used to be a widespread tradition in the United States during the month of May. The exact date for this seasonal switch from "felts" to "straws" differed from place to place, with May 13, May 15, May 25, or the second Saturday in May variously cited as the appropriate day to begin wearing straw hats. On some campuses, Straw Hat Day was a student celebration , and in other areas, it was an opportunity for clothiers and hatters to promote their wares . Someone created this card with an unlucky black cat as part of a Straw Hat Day observance, but I'm not sure how it was used. See below for excerpts from newspaper ads and articles that confirm that Straw Hat Day was "unlucky for felts." For more straw hat amusement, see It's Mallory Straw Hat Time! -------- "Unlucky? Are you superstitious? May 13th, unlucky for felts . Straw Hat Day. Get yours at the Co-op. $2.50--$3.00--$3.50--$4.00. Technology Branch, Harvard Co-operative Society...." Advertisement, The Tech (Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), May 12, 1924, p. 4. "Official Straw Hat Day. Wednesday, May 13th. Unlucky for felts! Select your straw hat now and be ready for the big day. New straws are now on display. See the windows tonight, then visit your favorite clothier tomorrow for a fitting. Don't be under a felt when Wednesday the Thirteenth dawns." Advertisement for clothiers, Lawrence Daily Journal-World , May 8, 1925, p. 10. "Tomorrow, Thursday the 13th, will be ' unlucky for felts .' Tomorrow has been designated 'Straw Hat Day' and 'hay hats' will be all the rage and felts taboo. Even the black cat shown above [in an accompanying illustration] is reaching for a straw 'skimmer' and promises bad luck to all wearers of felt hats." "13th to Be 'Unlucky for Felts,'" San Jose News , May 12, 1937, p. 7.

Halloween–Friendly Fairy, Witch, or Fay, Fulfill t…

27 Sep 2016 3 1371
"Hallowe'en. Friendly fairy, witch, or fay, fulfill the wish you wish to-day. Ellen H. Clapsaddle."

Quit Your Lion

01 Aug 2016 3 1 880
Even if ewe didn't do it on porpoise, please quit your lion! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!) Punning humor from a 1910 postcard with an illustration of a lion (which itself is lyin' or reclining) that substitutes for the word lyin' (as in fibbing).

Filene's Department Store, Lynn, Massachusetts

14 Apr 2016 5 1114
"Filene's, No. 18 Market Street, Lynn." A nineteenth-century advertising trade card for one of the early Filene's department stores. This one was located in Lynn, Massachusetts.

Squirrely Thanksgiving Greetings

23 Nov 2015 3 879
"Thanksgiving Greetings." A nutty Thanksgiving postcard featuring a squirrel!

Come Spooking with Me on Halloween

15 Oct 2015 2 1488
Printed on the back of this postcard: "Whitney Made, Worcester, Mass." Postmarked: Alexandria, Va., Oct. 30, 1917. Addressed to: Miss Lillie, 17 Cedar St., Rosemont, Alex., Va. Handwritten message: "Hope to see you Hallowe'en night. Mary Ella."

Watch for Ghosts When Halloween Comes

15 Oct 2015 3 1201
"Come out and join the fun and watch for ghosts when Hallowe'en comes on."

113 items in total