Mugging for the Camera on the Beach in Atlantic City, N.J.

Beaches and Shores

Mugging for the Camera on the Beach in Atlantic Ci…

20 Apr 2012 5 1 1256
Handwritten on the back of this photo: "Atlantic City, N.J."

The Rescue

03 Jun 2015 4 2 1121
A summer vacation photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. At first glance, this real photo postcard appears to show a typical summertime scene of vacationers enjoying the beach. A closer examination, however, reveals that the crowd's attention is focused on something that's happening on the left side of the image. "The rescue" is the dramatic caption that's written across the rolling waves at the top of the photo, and, in fact, on the left-hand side there are some lifeguards who are leading a rescued swimmer away from the water (mouse over the image above to see a close-up of the lifeguards and swimmer ). Many of the bystanders surrounding the group have concerned looks on their faces. When I first purchased this photo postcard, I didn't notice the lightly written "rescue" caption and couldn't quite make out what was going on. It was only after I scanned, darkened, and enlarged the image that I was able to figure it out. Unfortunately, there's no indication of a date or location.

The Rescue (Detail)

03 Jun 2015 2 697
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard:

Salt Air Beach Souvenir, 1915

26 Feb 2018 1 512
Printed on the back of this real photo postcard: "Souvenir of Salt Air Beach , Dave Levene, mgr., season 1915."

Guys on the Beach

09 Sep 2016 3 2 913
An on the beach photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. The guy on the left--with his hat and cigarette and distinctive stance--looks like he may be a bit wilder and crazier than the kid and the other fellow.

Use This to Keep the Mice and Rats Away

25 Aug 2014 5 2 1604
A cyanotypes photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. "You can use this to keep the mice and rats away. Yes, I will keep the dog in and put out the key. A.S." Addressed to: Miss Maud W. Parker, North Lubec, Maine. Postmarked: South Lubec, ME, Oct. 18, 1906, and North Lubec, ME, Oct. 18, 1906. The joke about a photographic portrait being so bad or ugly that it scares away rodents, insects, and burglars was evidently a common one in the early twentieth century. Another version, for instance, appeared in a 1911 letter sent to American musician and composer William D. Dawson: "My Dear Mr. Armstrong: I duly received, welcome, and possessed myself of your portrait and am glad to have it. At the same time I am ashamed to recall that I have so long neglected to acknowledge it or to send the reciprocal photo to you. I have autographed one this evening and it will be shipped by freight tomorrow. It is warranted to scare away rats and burglars" (see W. T. Norton, William Dawson Armstrong, American Composer , New York: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1916, p 87). For another 1906 real photo postcard with a "scare away the rats" joke, see Guaranteed to Rid Any Cellar of Rats, Roaches, or Other Creatures (below).

Same Beach, Different Hat

Buzzing the Beach in a Biplane, Los Angeles, Calif…

26 Jun 2013 5 2 2397
Fortunately, the two aeronautical gents pictured here in this souvenir real photo postcard are safely ensconced in a photographer's studio and aren't actually risking catastrophe by flying low over the heads of oblivious beachgoers. The "Los Angeles" and "California" pennants hanging on the plane presumably identify the location.

Man and Dog with Alligators on the Beach

25 Sep 2013 3 1 1613
I hope they escaped in time! A Florida souvenir real photo postcard. Postmarked: Miami, Florida, Nov. 13, 1923. Addressed to: Mr. Adam Petcher, Box 515, Somerset, Pa.

Milking the Euclid Beach Cow

19 Aug 2015 2 1131
Judging from the Euclid Beach pennant visible on the right-hand side, this real photo postcard of a girl milking a fake cow while two fake bulldogs stand guard was probably a souvenir from Euclid Beach Park , which was an amusement park located along Lake Erie in Cleveland, Ohio.

Pipe-Smoking Fisherman

06 Feb 2015 3 1526
An Ektachrome slide dated July 1964.

Enjoying Ourselves on a Box of Fralinger's Salt Wa…

30 Jun 2014 1 963
"Enjoying ourselves on a box of Fralinger's at Atlantic City, N.J. Fralinger's Salt Water Taffy, Atlantic City, N.J. Fine selections."

The Whole Dam Family on Their Vacation

21 Mar 2014 2 1 1804
"The Whole Dam Family on Their Vacation. Mrs. Dam, Mr. Dam, Miss Dam, Master Dam, Cissy Dam, Kity Dam, Baby Dam, The Dam Dog. Copyright, 1905, W. G. Kress." The "Whole Dam Family" postcard craze was in full swing when the Insurance Press asked about the Dams in its May 31, 1905, issue, p. 6 : "Whence the sudden prominence of this family of strong and sturdy patronym? At present writing, the streets of every city and town ring with the name of these celebrities. Venders, fakirs, and newsboys vie with one another in sounding their glories, and stationers' windows are graced with their smiling portraits. On poster and mailing card they are displayed--a handsome, happy group labeled 'The Whole Dam Family,' from Mr. I. B. Dam and Mrs. U. B. Dam through the grades of little Dams, down even to the Dam dog. An ideal family!" For other "Whole Dam Family" postcards, see The Whole Dam Family and The Last of the Whole Dam Family . Or take a look at The Whole Dam Family Postcard Craze, 1905 .

Risbon Roller Rink, Cypher Beach, Hopewell, Pa.

16 Feb 2018 1 624
"Risbon Roller Rink, Cypher Beach, Hopewell, Pa., R.R No. 2. Good only on date sold. Admit one, est. price .29, fed. tax. .06. 35 cents. 018948. 018949."

Misty Shores of Memory

14 Aug 2017 3 2 457
A real photo postcard of four little children standing on the beach. The blotchy image gives the scene a ghostly appearance.

Floating in the Dead Sea

11 Aug 2017 3 2 504
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of: come on in, the water's fine (people enjoying themselves--or not--in water) . "56. Floating in Dead Sea." A real photo postcard of a man posing with a book and umbrella in the Dead Sea , where the density of the salt water makes it easy to float.

Paddling Their Own Canoe at Olcott Beach

12 Feb 2018 2 985
Printed on the other side of this real photo postcard: "Boeckmann, park photographer, Olcott Beach, N.Y." Handwritten on the other side: "Ornan Rebert." Two fellows pretend to paddle their canoe in photographer John Boeckmann 's studio in Luna Park at Olcott Beach, located along the shore of Lake Ontario in Olcott, New York.

A Joyous Easter

20 Mar 2018 1 362
A photographic Easter greeting card with a soldier posing in front of a fake palm tree and beach.

29 items in total