Pretty Bubbles in the Air

Disembodied Heads

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Pretty Bubbles in the Air

15 Jul 2015 4 2 1251
Some bubbly women on a postcard from the early twentieth century. Postmark on the back: Reading, Pa., Aug. 27, 1911. Addressed to: "Mr. Samuel Dittus, 29 Inf M.G.P., Fort Niagara, N.Y." Message: "Dear Brother, I am having a nice time. Wish you were here in Reading with me. Did you get my other post card? Love to you from your sister Nettie, 446 S. Christian St. [Lancaster, Pa.]" Sadly, Nettie's brother was killed in action during combat in France seven years later. As reported in the Harrisburg Telegraph newspaper on December, 17, 1918, p. 2, "Corporal Samuel H. Dittus, 31 years old, a member of the Fourth United States Infantry, was killed in battle on October 12, according to an official message received by his sister, Mrs. Nettie Cramer, of Lancaster. Dittus was twelve years in the service and had seen service in Cuba and the Philippines. About three months ago he was wounded and shell shocked and had been back with his command but a short time when killed."

Looking through the Newspaper

13 Apr 2015 5 1599
A French hand-tinted real photo postcard. For another postcard with a similar image, see Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907 :

Looking Through the News

07 Apr 2019 1 490
Do you have ideas for future topics for the Vintage Photos Theme Park ? If so, please add them to the Suggestion Box ! A photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park monthly topic of cats (submit a photo on this topic each week in addition to—or instead of—a photo for the weekly topic) . "Looking through the news you may see something which might interest you. I will send the papers to you. J.R." A real photo postcard with a cat that's literally looking through a newspaper in 1906. For another postcard with a similar punning message, see Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907 .

Breaking the News, Lititz Express, July 4, 1907

18 Jun 2014 5 1 1561
"The Lititz Express." Printed on the back of this postcard: "Souvenir, July 4, 1907. Power demonstration on Express Printing Company's float." Evidently, the Lititz Express , a newspaper published until the 1930s in Lititz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, printed this punning illustration with a press on board its Fourth of July parade float in 1907. I've heard of souvenir printings "on the ice" for frost fairs when the River Thames in London froze over in past centuries, and I have some menus and other items that were printed aboard ships during cruises, but I can't recall seeing anything else printed during a parade. Has anyone else encountered any other examples of printing on ice, parade float, ship, train, plane, automobile, or in any other unique circumstances?

Meouw! A Happy Birthday to You!

22 Nov 2013 3 1502
"While dressed up in my very best, I wish you luck and all the rest." Postmarked: Tunbridge Falls, 27 Sep 13. Addressed to: Miss Hornsby, c/o Mrs. Fail, 180 Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Falls. Message: "Dear Joyce, I expect you are very glad your birthday has come. I hope you will have a very happy one. Lots of love and kisses from Auntie Mary." The previous owner of this real photo postcard referred to the distinguished Edwardian feline as "Sir Reginald Pussycat."

Thank You! Each Loaf You Buy Is a Vote for Me!

21 Nov 2014 3 1653
"Thank you! Each loaf of Sunbeam you buy is a vote for me. I'm in line for prizes in the big contest if you keep backing me. ________ (sig.) Your Sunbeam Salesman." Hat: "Sunbeam Energy Bread." As Wikipedia explains, " Sunbeam Bread is a franchised brand of white bread, rolls, and other baked goods owned by the Quality Bakers of America cooperative. The bread products are produced and distributed by regional bakeries....The brand was launched in 1942 and was first marketed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." In the 1950s and 1960s, Quality Bakers ran contests with cars as prizes for the salesmen who handled Sunbeam and its other brands of bread. This poster, which dates to 1960, was probably distributed to grocery stores.

Hi CBer! Bud Werts, KJI-3440, Renovo, Pa.

29 Jul 2013 3 1424
A QSL postcard that was used to acknowledge radio contact between Citizens Band (CB) radio operators.

Phone Us for Convenient, Careful Service

30 Jan 2014 5 1457
"You'll like our prompt cleaning. Phone us for convenient, careful service. Keemer Cleaner, Lincoln Highway East, phone 4-3721."

Hurrah! Hurrah! The Fourth of July!

27 Jun 2013 2 1626
"Hurrah! Hurrah! The Fourth of July. Liberty. Copyright 1908, P. Sander, N.Y." The disembodied head of Uncle Sam appears to be exploding out of an oversized firecracker to commemorate Independence Day!

Ron Drake Bird Watching Society

29 Aug 2014 3 1462
"This is to certify that Mrs. Mary Ritters is a full feathered charter member of the Ron Drake Bird Watching Society, WHP radio 580." A Bird Watching Society membership card issued to fans of the popular radio personality Ron Drake (a "drake" is also a bird, get it?), who was active on the air in Harrisburg, Pa., from the 1960s until his retirement in 1982. Sadly, Drake passed away in 2005 .

Emmett A. Thomas, Mosquito, Newark, N.J.

30 Jul 2015 2 892
I have not been able to determine who Emmett A. Thomas was or why his head was superimposed on the body of a mosquito. Some kind of New Jersey joke perhaps?

Aren't You Also on the Pig?

15 Apr 2016 4 4 819
Carlisle, 12/1, 1904 My dear little Carrie: Honestly now aren't you also on the pig? When you kill yours, save me a nice piece of ham, and I'll be up and take dinner with you. You may also keep a few young chickens handy. (If you're "on the pig's back," it apparently means that you're lucky or well off.)

Two Jolly Good Fellows

Seeing Blackpool

Men in Bowler Hats

04 Aug 2019 1 340
A photo for the theme of photographic tricks and amusements during the free-for-all week of Wild Card Month in the Vintage Photos Theme Park. See also the full version of this real photo postcard:

Men in Bowler Hats (Full Version)

04 Aug 2019 1 260
See also a cropped version of this novelty real photo postcard:

Sonny's Stone Head

21 Jan 2015 6 1 1204
Handwritten note on the back of this small cyanotype photo: "Sonny carved this head out of a piece of stone up [in] the garden with an old chisel."

Leave It to Beaver Rocket to the Moon Space Game

03 Oct 2015 7 3 1705
"Leave It to Beaver Rocket to the Moon Space Game. Thrills with Beaver on a race to the moon. As seen on A.B.C. television coast-to-coast." The disembodied head of Beaver Cleaver floats in space somewhere between the earth and moon on the lid of this 1958 board game tie-in with the TV show Leave It to Beaver .

35 items in total