Smiling Mother and Child


Smiling Mother and Child

06 May 2015 8 3 1153
A smiling mother poses with her young child in this real photo postcard.

A Mother's Look

06 May 2015 3 1 569
A mother looks intently at one of her two children in this real photo postcard. In the background, a ball lies abandoned on one of the steps, and a swing hangs above the porch.

A Mother and Her Hangers-On

06 May 2015 4 1 611
A mother hangs on to one kid and a second kid hangs on to mom in this real photo postcard.

Mellie and Corrine Smith, March 21, 1929

20 Oct 2015 3 2 750
A mother(s) and daughter(s) photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Handwritten on the back of this real photo postcard: "Mellie and Corrine Smith. March 21st, 1929."

Restless Children under a Full Moon

28 Jun 2012 4 4 1056
Judging by her blurred appearance, the youngest child was squirming in her seat when the photo was taken, and her brother and sister don't look like they're having a good time either.

Mother and Son at Niagara Falls

08 May 2015 4 3 918
A cropped version of a souvenir real photo postcard. See below for the full version :

Mother and Son at Niagara Falls (Full Version)

08 May 2015 4 779
See also a cropped version of this real photo postcard:

Mother and Son at the Ueno Zoo, Tokyo

17 Mar 2014 1 1596
A zoo photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Handwritten note on the back of this undated photo: "Uano Zoo - Tokyo." A fashionably dressed mother and her canteen-toting son pose impatiently in front of a fenced-in pond inhabited by ducks and other birds. Other zoo visitors (some holding umbrellas to protect against the sun) are visible in the background of the photo. The Ueno Zoo (its name is actually "Ueno" with an "e" rather than "Uano" with an "a") opened in Tokyo in 1882 and is Japan's oldest zoo.

Mama's Cookin' 'Em

05 Sep 2021 1 2 271
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of cooking: outside or in . I'm not sure what mama's cooking, but she may be preparing food for a picnic. There appear to be white cloth-covered baskets lying in the grass, with one or two baskets barely visible behind mama and another in the right midground. "Mama cookin' 'em. Catherine Mueller." Sent to Mr. W. S. Osgood, 410 Morris Bldg., New Orleans, La., and postmarked Kansas City, Kans., Aug. 20, 1907. There's no other message on the back.

Armada and Her Mamma with Oklahoma Apple Blossoms,…

08 May 2015 6 1 901
"Oklahoma City, Apr. 19, 1906. Dear Cousin, Here we are with our best wishes and some Oklahoma apple blossoms. Yours lovingly, Armada Ruth Tinkham and her mamma, Etta Brown Tinkham." Etta Brown Tinkham also sent a second real photo postcard to her cousin on the same date (she must have sent them both in an envelope since there's no address, stamp, or postmark on either of them). See Greetings from the Future Popcorn King, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1906 :

Two Relics of the Antediluvian Period

06 May 2015 5 2 1394
A mothers photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Nelson P. Smith displayed a playful sense of humor with a mischievous message on this real photo postcard dated April 10, 1910. I'm guessing that the photo is a portrait of his wife and son. Mrs. Matilda Maria Thomas Exhibit No. 16390 Ladies and Gent: You have here before you two relics of the Antediluvian period just discovered in a small town, situated in a swamp in Florida, supposed to be the descendants of mound builders or some extinct race. Look like mother and son. Ages supposed to be son, 4 mos., April 10/10. Nelson P. Smith

Here Is an Easter Chicken, April 16, 1911

03 Apr 2015 4 1 864
"Apr. 16 '11. Here is a Easter chicken. Easter greetings to Bertha from Clifford."

Good Luck

08 May 2015 5 1 970
A good luck postcard with an inset oval photo of a mother and son.

The Triplet Children of J. M. and Emma C. Tracey

03 Aug 2011 5 3 1777
Although this photo was in poor shape when I bought it and required significant touch-up to make the image somewhat more visible for posting, I thought that the appeal for assistance printed on the back of the card made it worthwhile. I did some searching for further information about the triplets, but didn't uncover a definitive account of their story. The Find A Grave Web site contains some information regarding the girls' parents, Jarred Washington Tracey (1857-1906) and Emma Barton Tracey (1858-1949) (I'm not sure why the parents' middle names don't match their middle intials on the card). Emma Tracey's entry includes a different photo of the mother with her three daughters. Find A Grave also contains entries for the children, Mabel V. Tracey McKelvey (1886-1967) , Edith Grace Tracey Thompson (1886-1967) , and Bessie Barton Tracey Willard (1886-1966) . -------- Printed on the back of the card: The Triplet Children of J. M. and Emma C. Tracey, Fountaindale, Pa. Mable Viola, Born April 4, 1886, noon, weighed 6 lbs. Edith Grace, Born April 5, 1886, noon, weighed 6 lbs. Bessie Barton, Born April 6, 1886, 4 p.m., weighed 7 lbs. Mrs. Tracey, the mother of these babes, was born with but one arm. Photographs taken Aug. 26, 1886. Cabinet photographs of these children will be mailed to any address for 25 cents. Address J. M. Tracey, Fountain Dale, Adams co., Pa. The profit from the sale of photographs will be devoted to rearing and educating the triplets. -------- Printed on the front of the card below the photo (too faint to be visible here): "Tipton Photo, Gettysburg, Pa."

Pouting Baby with Hidden Mother's Arm, Harrisburg,…

23 Sep 2013 1 3 1239
"John D. Lemer, 1218 North 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa." For the Vintage Photos Theme Park, a hand in the photo with the person cut off .* For more of the same, track down a copy of Linda Fregni Nagler and Gioni Massimiliano's book, The Hidden Mother (London: MACK, 2013), which is a compilation of over 1,000 vintage photos of mothers attempting to remain hidden as they comfort children who are being photographed. *I try to sort through my collection in order to post a brand new photo for each week's theme, but I came up short this week and had to use one that I had previously posted elsewhere on Ipernity.

Woman with Son and Mother in Five Poses

30 Jun 2014 3 777
Mounted on cardboard with a printed decorative border.

Modeling Handbags at Niagara Falls, 1960

05 Feb 2014 3 2 2065
A Kodachrome slide dated January 1961.

The Four-Pound Monkey in the Room

42 items in total