Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

Anthropomorphic Antics

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Animals and objects acting like humans.

Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

28 May 2013 5 1839
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children Mothers, use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure in place of stupefying syrups, paregoric, and cordials. Immediate relief for wind colic or crying babies. Not injurious. Pleasant physic, teething lotion, diarrhoea mixture, cough and croup medicine. Colic cure, worm elixir, general tonic, chafing.

Froggy Ice Skating Party

16 Jan 2015 6 1 1152
"Visit the City Furniture House, opp. Seely House, Towanda, Pa." A Victorian trade card with skating frogs.

Feline Laundry

30 Jul 2015 3 967
"Solo Match. Made in Austria."

Froggy Chorus

30 Jul 2015 3 1 925
"Solo Match. Made in Austria."

Easter Bunny Photographer

20 Mar 2015 3 1 1355
"Easter Greetings." Postmarked Herman, Pa., March 22, 1913, on back.

Best Easter Wishes from Mr. and Mrs. Bunny-Chick a…

03 Apr 2015 4 658
Postmarked on back: "Lancaster, Pa., Apr. 21, 1911." See below for some more anthropomorphic Easter postcards.

Easter Greetings

03 Apr 2015 3 506
Postmarked on back: "Landisville, Pa., Mar. 20, 1909."

Kind Easter Wishes from the Chicken People

06 Mar 2015 6 1 1439
"Easter Kind Wishes. E-105."

Easter Greetings

We Are Owl Wishing You a Merry Christmas Even If Y…

16 Dec 2014 3 1 1234
"We Are Owl [All] Wishing You a Merry Christmas." A leather postcard published circa 1905-1910 by W. S. Heal, whose "W.S.H" monogram appears in the lower left-hand corner of the card. There isn't any message, address, or other information on the back.

W. H. Walmsley, Manager, R. & J. Beck, Opticians,…

12 Aug 2013 2 1547
"R. & J. Beck, opticians, No.1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Walmsley, manager. Spectacles, eye glasses, opera glasses, microscopes, thermometers, telescopes." For another trade card from this company, see R. & J. Beck, Opticians, Philadelphia, Pa. (thumbnail image below).

A Visit with the Easter Bunny

Hallowe'en Greeting

29 Oct 2013 2 1214
Owls a hooting in the tree, Pumpkins making faces mean, And lots of thing that you can't see Tell us that it's Hallowe'en. A vintage Halloween postcard signed by artist Ellen H. Clapsaddle.

Meouw! A Happy Birthday to You!

22 Nov 2013 3 1505
"While dressed up in my very best, I wish you luck and all the rest." Postmarked: Tunbridge Falls, 27 Sep 13. Addressed to: Miss Hornsby, c/o Mrs. Fail, 180 Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Falls. Message: "Dear Joyce, I expect you are very glad your birthday has come. I hope you will have a very happy one. Lots of love and kisses from Auntie Mary." The previous owner of this real photo postcard referred to the distinguished Edwardian feline as "Sir Reginald Pussycat."

Be My Valentine or I'll Ab-duck You

10 Feb 2014 1 1460
Hmm, in this day and age I don't think I'd send Johnny and Sally to school with a valentine like this to exchange with classmates!

Easter Greeting

Lady, Please Send Me Home!

22 Apr 2014 4 1 1608
The center panel from a milk bottle collar that wrapped around the top of a bottle in order to remind customers who received home delivery of milk to return their empty bottles. For more information, see Milk Bottle Collar: Reminder and Order Form .

Milk Bottle Collar: Reminder and Order Form

22 Apr 2014 3 1465
A milk bottle collar (for wrapping around the top of a bottle) that served both as a humorous reminder to return empty bottles and as an order form to ask the milkman to deliver specific items (back when dairies used to make regular home deliveries). "Help keep down the cost of your milk by returning your empty bottles. Every unreturned bottle adds to the cost of delivering milk to your door. If you have any empties around your kitchen or basement, please return them." "Lady, please send me home. Empty." "Handy Order Blank. Place over return bottle. Please leave: ________. Name: ________. Address: ________." For an enlargement of the middle panel with the cartoonish milk bottle, see Lady, Please Send Me Home!

77 items in total