John Brown Wax Museum, Harpers Ferry, W.Va.

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

Folder: Places

John Brown Wax Museum, Harpers Ferry, W.Va.

04 Aug 2009 2 780
A spooky looking fellow at the John Brown Wax Museum in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

Please Push Button

04 Aug 2009 5 1 860
A "Please Push Button" sign (featuring a manicule or pointing hand mark, like this: ☞) at the John Brown Wax Museum, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, August 4, 2009.

Welcome to Jefferson Rock Sign

Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Jefferson Rock Pillars, Harpers Ferry, West Virgin…

04 Aug 2009 1 378
Two of the pillars that support the top slab of the rock.

Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

04 Aug 2009 1 333
Almost looks like a crouching insect of some sort in this shot!

The Path from Jefferson Rock Back Down to Harpers…

View from Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virg…

04 Aug 2009 1 508
The Potomac and Shenandoah rivers meet at Harpers Ferry , West Virginia, and the borders of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia come together here as well. In this view from Jefferson Rock, the waters of the Shenandoah River are barerly visible in the distance, as is the bridge that carries U.S. Route 340 over the river. The hills on the other side are still part of West Virginia.

View from Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virg…

04 Aug 2009 1 419
In this view from Jefferson Rock, cars and trucks are visible on the bridge that carries U.S. Route 340 over the Shenandoah River.

Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

04 Aug 2009 2 423
A photo of Jefferson Rock taken on a hazy, hot August afternoon in 2009. See below for a vintage view of Jefferson Rock from a similar angle:

Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Sign at Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virgin…

Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

04 Aug 2009 1 1 635
Despite signs warning against it (see below), some people still climb onto Jefferson Rock for photos.