Pennsylvania Railroad Monthly School Ticket, 1892

Punch Cards

Folder: Ephemera

Pennsylvania Railroad Monthly School Ticket, 1892

25 Mar 2015 6 2 754
"Pennsylvania Railroad Co. This monthly school ticket entitles Austin McD. Collier to forty-six rides between Haverford College and Philadelphia during the month of Feb. 1892. Subject to the conditions on back which must be signed before using. J. R. Wood, general passenger agent. No. 314."

Stoverdale Camp, Season Meal Ticket, 1932

26 Mar 2018 1 561
"Stoverdale Camp. Season Ticket (Whole). M________. Not transferable. Present ticket at each meal." A meal ticket dated 1932 by the dealer I bought it from. This was evidently printed for use at the Stoverdale Camp Meeting grounds that were located near Hummelstown in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. For more examples of meal tickets, see Wallace Hotel Meal Ticket, Harrisburg, Pa. , The Lee House Meal Ticket , and Meal Ticket Good Only at Circle Bar, Reading, Pa. (below).

Wallace Hotel Meal Ticket, Harrisburg, Pa.

26 Mar 2018 1 467
"Wallace Hotel, H. C. Winger, proprietor, Cumberland and Wallace Streets, Harrisburg, Pa., meal ticket. Name ____________. Raysor, printer."

The Lee House Meal Ticket

26 Mar 2018 1 560
"Meal ticket, the Lee House. This ticket must be presented to waiter at each meal. Guests cannot secure meal without presenting this ticket. Good only to person issued. Name: Kuntz. Room no.: [200?]. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner."

Meal Ticket Good Only at Circle Bar, Reading, Pa.

26 Mar 2018 1 390
"Meal Ticket, good only at Circle Bar, 9th & Bingaman Sts., Reading, Penna., Walter (Shag) Bialy, prop. $5.50 value, price $5.00. 5, 10, 25, 50."

Berks and Dauphin Turnpike Road Company Ticket

19 Jul 2018 1 578
The Berks and Dauphin Turnpike Road Company was in existence from 1805 to about 1917 and collected tolls along a road that extended from Berks County through Lebanon County and into Dauphin County in Pennsylvania. The punches on this ticket indicate that it cost 5 cents for a trip in Lebanon County between Annville (or Sporting Hill?) and Sunny Side, a distance of 3 (or 2¼?) miles. Berks & Dauphin Turnpike Road Co. Dimes - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. Rates For 1 horse and carriage - 1½ cts. per mile For 2 horses and carriage - 2½ cts. per mile For 1 horse and sleigh - .75 cts. per mile For 1 horse rode or led - ½ cts. per mile For 1 horse and sulky - 1 cts. per mile For 1 wagon per horse - 1 cts. per mile For bicycle - ½ cts. per mile From Junction - Mls. to P. & R. Crossing - 1 to Swatara Station - 1¾ to Palmyra - 5 to Kreider's Mill - 9¼ to Annville - 10¼ to Sporting Hill - 11 to Cleona - 12 to Stony Side - 13 to Lebanon - 15¼ to Wernersville - 34¼ to Robesonia - 31¼ to Womelsdorf - 28¼ to Waterloo - 26½ to Stouchsburg - 26 to Owl Creek - 22¾ to Myerstown - 21¾ to West Myerstown - 21¼ to Half-way - 19¼ to Narrows - 18¼ to Avon - 17¼ Cents - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. For a similar item, see Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and Middletown Turnpike Company Ticket .

Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and Middletown Turnpike…

19 Jul 2018 1 1 580
"Lancaster, E., & M. Turnpike Co. The gate keepers must punch the spaces. Gate - 1, 2, 3, 4, 4½ , 5, 6, 7. Horse Team - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Cattle, Etc." An unused ticket for the Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and Middletown Turnpike Company, which operated a private turnpike in Lancaster and Dauphin counties in Pennsylvania. Sections of what are now Pennsylvania Route 230 and Pennsylvania Route 283 eventually replaced the turnpike. See also a rotated version of the ticket .

Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and Middletown Turnpike…

19 Jul 2018 1 499
For more information, see the original version of the ticket .