D. K. Burkholder for Sheriff, Lancaster, Pa., 1887

Lancaster, Pa.

Folder: Pennsylvania
Postcards, trade cards, and other printed ephemera from the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which is the county seat of Lancaster County. See also separate sets for Lancaster County, Pa., and Landisville and Salunga, Pa.

D. K. Burkholder for Sheriff, Lancaster, Pa., 1887

08 Nov 2016 2 526
"For sheriff: D. K. Burkholder of Lancaster City, 1887. Subject to Republican rules."

Lewis S. Hartman for Prothonotary, Lancaster, Pa.,…

08 Nov 2016 3 694
Lewis S. Harman, Lancaster City. For Prothonotary, 1890 He entered the army as a private soldier, carried a musket for three years in the 1st Reg't, Penn'a Reservers, and was severely wounded, May 30, 1864, at the battle of Bethesda Church, in front of Richmond, on the day his three years' term of service expired. Your assistance respectfully solicited. Subject to Republican rules. Election, May 3, 1890. Blanket roll and knapsack: "U.S. Co. B, 1st Reg;'t. P.R.V."

Chaplain A. C. Leonard, Candidate for Clerk of Orp…

08 Nov 2016 2 1 680
Albert Charles Leonard also was the author and publisher of The Boys in Blue of 1861-1865: A Condensed History Worth Preserving (Lancaster, Pa.: A. C. Leonard, 1904). Compliments of Chaplain A. C. Leonard, Lancaster City Who as a candidate for Clerk of Orphans' Court in 1893 received almost 3,000 complimentary votes, and respectfully asks your kind consideration fot the same office at the Republican primary election in 1896. Four years a soldier and ten months a prisoner of war in Belle Isle and Andersonville prison pens where 14,000 of his companions died from privation and exposure. Andersonville prison pen.

Good for One Chair at YMCA Field Sports, West End…

30 Jun 2014 1 1017
"Good for one chair at Y.M.C.A. Field Sports, West End Park, Monday, July 4, 1892. 2:30 p.m. Price, 10 cts. Pluck Art Print."

If You Can Sell Harmonicas You Can Surely Sell Cla…

28 Dec 2014 3 997
See also the back of this handbill: Blowbell Clapper Horns, the Greatest Fun and Noise Makers (below). "If you can sell harmonicas you can surely sell Clapper Horns (Trade mark). A horn, a bell, a rattler, 3 in 1 for the price of one. U.S. Patents, Feb. 25, '08, March 31, '08. Other patents pending. Trade supplied by Albert M. Deichler, 20-22 Chestnut St., Lancaster, Pa."

Blowbell Clapper Horns, the Greatest Fun and Noise…

28 Dec 2014 3 868
See also the front of this handbill: If You Can Sell Harmonicas You Can Surely Sell Clapper Horns (below). "Blowbell Clapper Horns (Trade Mark), the greatest fun & noise makers procurable, are made with patent clapper, patent corrugated bell and knocker. Best quality tin and handsomely colored."

Best Boiler Works, Lancaster, Pa.

02 Feb 2020 1 320
"Best Boiler Works, Lancaster, Pa., manufactory of steam boilers, water & oil tanks, stills, bellows, pipes, & sheet iron work in general. Jobbing promptly & carefully attended to. John Best, proprietor. Mc.Clement, Phila." For information about cameo cards like this, see José L. Rodriguez's article on Cameo Makers . For similar cards, see Eagle Marble Works, Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, Reading, Pa. and J. H. Hain, Manufacturer of Saddles, Harness, Whips, Reading, Pa.

R. E. Fahnestock, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry G…

09 Jun 2014 1 769
"R. E. Fahnestock, dealer in fancy and staple dry goods, men and boy's wear, East King St., next door to the court house, Lancaster, Pa."

Hess and Flinn, Dealers in All Kinds of Household…

30 Dec 2014 2 752
See also Pennsylvania Railroad, Hess and Flinn's Station, 1882 . "Hess & Flinn, dealers in all kinds of household furniture. Warerooms--No. 150 North Queen Street, over Flinn & Wilson's Store, Lancaster, Pa. Goods of every description received and sold on commission."

Pennsylvania Railroad Pass, Lancaster Division, He…

30 Dec 2014 2 1014
"Pennsylvania Rail Road, Lancaster Division, 1882. Pass ________. To Hess & Flinn's Station, the cheapest furniture and upholstery house in the city. No. 148-150 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Hess & Flinn." This advertising trade card is a clever parody of a railroad pass (for examples of the real thing, see below for Pennsylvania Railroad Company Pass, 1908 and Pennsylvania Railroad Company Pass, 1909 ). Instead of authorizing travel over a railroad line, however, it invited potential customers to visit Hess & Flinn's furniture store in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, during the year 1882. For another Hess & Flinn trade card, see Hess and Flinn, Dealers in All Kinds of Household Furniture, Lancaster, Pa. (below).

Fred Hollinger, Practical Horseshoer, Lancaster, P…

19 Jul 2016 1 490
"Fred. Hollinger, practical horse shoer, 43 West Mifflin St., Lancaster, Pa. Special attention given to track, gent's driving, and road horses; also to lame and interfering horses. All work guaranteed."

Inquirer Restaurant

16 Feb 2018 1 319
"Inquirer Restaurant, Nos. 53 & 55 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Lager beer, wines & liquors. Prime oysters all the year round. Game in season. Francis Noll, proprietor."

Roseland Nightingale Orchestra, Melody, Pep, Harmo…

09 Jun 2016 1 439
"Roseland Nightingale Orchestra. A full evening's pleasure. Harry Wolford, business manager, 570 South Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. Melody, pep, harmony. Bell phone."

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All! 188…

15 Dec 2017 2 2 524
"To all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 1884. 1885. Compliments of A. K. Hoffmeier, manufacturer and dealer in fine medium and common furniture, No. 26 East King St., Lancaster, Pa."

Easter Greetings Compliments of Lancaster Music Co…

15 Apr 2014 1106
"Compliments of Lancaster Music Co., O. F. Brinkman, manager, pianos and organs, sheet music and musical merchandise, 21 East Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa."

Easter Compliments, Frey & Eckert, Boots and Shoes

03 Apr 2015 1 941
"Easter Compliments. Frey & Eckert, Boots and Shoes, 3 East King Street, Lanc., Pa. Your trade solicited. Boots and shoes made to order. Reparing neatly done." A Victorian-era advertising trade card.

R. C. Seldomridge, Fancy and Staple Groceries, Lan…

03 Apr 2015 1 748
"Compliments of T. C. Seldomridge, fancy & staple groceries, Nos. 18 & 20 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa." A colorful Victorian-era advertising trade card.

Easter 1888, Compliments of Shaub & Burns, the Sho…

03 Apr 2015 3 926
"Easter, 1888. Compliments of Shaub & Burns, the shoe dealers, 14 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. The best makes of shoes a specialty. Common, medium, and finest. The largest assortment in the city. Your trade respectfully solicited." A Victorian-era advertising trade card dating to 1888.

73 items in total