Groundhog Day, February 2, 1963

Groundhog Day

Folder: Holidays and Celebrations

Groundhog Day, February 2, 1963

01 Feb 2015 1 1749
"The Fifty-Fifth Annual Observance of Groundhog Day, Saturday, February 2, 1963, in the 187th year of the Independence of the United States of America, by the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville in Lancaster County, the Garden Spot of America, likewise in the State of Pennsylvania and the United States of America." This is an enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge's program for its 1963 celebration. The lodge members call upon their own groundhog, Octoraro Orphie, to forecast the weather in Quarryille , Pennsylvania, each year on Groundhog Day , which occurs on February 2. (Farther west in Pennsylvania, another group, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, relies upon a different groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil , to predict the weather in Punxsutawney , Pennsylvania.) The Colerain Township, Pa. Web site (viewed in 2015 but no longer available in 2017) describes the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge this way: "The Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, Pennsylvania was founded on Groundhog Day, February 2, 1908, by George W. Hensel, Jr. The big boss is a fuzzy buck-toothed creature named 'Orphie' and he has the unique ability to forecast an early or late spring with the help of his shadow. Honorary members of the lodge include Sir Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and J. Edgar Hoover. The purpose of the club is for members to throw away worries, cares, and woes and have a good laugh at themselves." For more information, see the full front cover of this 1963 program , the back cover , and the lodge's 1921 Groundhog Day menu .

Groundhog Day Program, February 2, 1963 (Front)

01 Feb 2015 1 1454
The top section of the front cover of this Groundhog Day program from 1963 grandly announces, "The Fifty-Fifth Annual Observance of Groundhog Day, Saturday, February 2, 1963, in the 187th year of the Independence of the United States of America, by the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville in Lancaster County, the Garden Spot of America, likewise in the State of Pennsylvania and the United States of America." The middle section of the cover contains a list of past members of the lodge, while the bottom part advises current members to await the pronouncement of Octoraro Orphie, their Weather Prophet: "Let us sit by the side of the Groundhog hole and wait for the Prophet who knows, who can tell when the winter is over and gone and done with its ice and its snows. Why should we hark to the siren call of those of a spurious clan! Let us sit by the side of a Groundhog hole and wait for the Prophet who can." For additional information about the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge, see an enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of this 1963 program , the back cover of the program , and the lodge's 1921 Groundhog Day menu .

Groundhog Day Program, February 2, 1963 (Back)

01 Feb 2015 1 1496
The Colerain Township, Pa. Web site describes the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, Pennsylvania, as a club whose members "throw away worries, cares, and woes and have a good laugh at themselves." This is obvious when you take a look at the back the lodge's 1963 program (above), where comical job titles--like Director of Groundhog Dietetics and Impresario of Groundhog Music--are listed for each member. See below for the entire list of "Lodge Titles and Assignments." For additional information about the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge, see an enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of the 1963 program , the full front cover of the program , and the lodge's 1921 Groundhog Day menu . Lodge Titles and Assignments Prefect of Progeny Surgeon-General and Secretary of Internal Affairs Ear and Radar Technician Potentate Exalted Consultant for Whistle Pigs and Whistle Stops Sunsighter Lecturing Patriarch Defender of the Right of Eminent Domain Prefect of Slumber Watchman by Night Able Sleuth and Locator of Holes Pedagogical Prophet Director of Groundhog Diatetics Assistant Eye Rubber Senior Official Greeter Duke of the Ducats Chief of Secret Service Ambassador Plenipotentiary Director-General of Communications Topographical Engineer Patriarch of Enlightenment Impresario of Groundhog Music Agricultural Representative with Rank of Prophet Clipper de Pate-De Luxe Chief Oiler and Lubricator Specialist in Chronometer Synchronization Doctor of Pow But Not Wow Enlightener DeLuxe Peer of Penumbra Nabob of the Basket Thrice Venerable Patriarch Coordinator of Shadows Maestro of Melodious Music Inspector of Incisors and Bicuspids Director of Groundhog Migration Reguis Professor of Arctomancy Grand Inquisitor Director of Gastronomic and Nutritional Research Patriarch of Degrees Operator Operandi Watchman by Day Junior Official Greeter Inspirational Patriarch Patriarch DeLuxe Ambassador without Stipulated Designation Consultant for Hole Improvements Chief Eye Rubber Councilor for Insurance and Assurance Bailiff of the Bailiwick Lord Chief Justice of Groundhog Jurisdiction Venerable Patriarch Greeter of Distinguished and Extinguished Guests Maestro Strummer of Strings Guardian of the Clover Ambassadorial Patriarch Junior Patriarch Welder of Fraternalism Grand Shillalah and Shamrock Commodore of Seafarers and Safaris Grand Actuary of Action and Reaction Chief Surveyor of Holes Grand Scribe of Scribble and Script Lord High Executioner

Groundhog Day Menu, Hotel Weber, Lancaster, Pa., F…

29 Jan 2014 1 1692
Menu from page 3 of the program for the "Fourteenth Annual Watch and Wait of the Slumbering Ground Hog Lodge of Quarryville, in Pennsylvania," February 2, 1921 (see below for a transcription of the text). For additional information about the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge, see an enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of the program for the lodge's 1963 celebration, the full front cover of the program , and the back cover of the program . Ground Hog Day, Nineteen Twenty-One Ground Hog Feast Hotel Weber, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in the Garden Spot of America. To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question. Whether 'tis weather-wise thus to suffer The stings and arrows of a Borean Winter, Or, by retreating to a cozy corner, burrow, and end them, To sleep, to hibernate and by a six-week nap To say we end the backache and the rheumatism And the hundred ills woodchucks are heir to, To hibernate! To sleep! Perchance to dream-- Aye, there's the rub! For in that death-like sleep What dreams may come, eke make me suck my paws, For who would prophesy and shake and shiver In an advancing cold wave and storm When he at once might rest and comfort take By getting in out of the wet. Menu Celery, Olives, Oysters on the Half Shelf, Vegetable Soup Stuffed Turkey, grown in Colerain Township Turkey Giblet Sauce Mashed Potatoes, raised in East Drumore Candied Sweet Potatoes, product of Beggar Row Cranberry Sauce, as sassy as can be made Quarryville Peas Salads, a la Eden Township Ice Cream, frozen in Lancaster Cakes Coffee, direct from Brazil, grown especially for ground hogs

Groundhog Lodge No. 12, Gathering, Shartlesville,…

29 Jan 2014 1 1558
A ticket for the Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Fersommling (Pennsylvania Dutch gathering) held at Haag's Hotel in Shartlesville, Berks County, Pa., on May 4, 1990, by the Grundsow Lodsch Nummer 12 on da Dulpehocka Pawd (Groundhog Lodge No. 12 on the Tulpehocken Path). As Wikipedia indicates, "A Fersommling (plural, Fersommlinge) (also spelled Versammling or Fersammling) is a Pennsylvania Dutch social event in which food is served, speeches are made, and one or more g'spiel (plays or skits) are performed for entertainment." Check out the wonderfully amusing photo of King Groundhog arriving at the Fersommling held on February 2, 1968, by Grundsow Lodge Nummer Ains on da Lechaw (Groundhog Lodge Number One on the Lehigh). Folklorist Don Yoder points out in his book Groundhog Day (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 2003), p. xii, that the groundhog is "a vital if tongue-in-cheek symbol of the Pennsylvania Dutch. This identity is celebrated in the all-dialect Grundsow Lodges (Groundhog Lodges) of Southeastern Pennsylvania, where every February hundreds of Dutchmen meet to spend the evening feasting and frolicking, with pledges of allegiance, the sacred Groundhog Oath, and lots of harmless revelry--all in Pennsylvania Dutch." Although some Groundhog Lodges do hold Fersommlinge on Groundhog Day or later in February, other gatherings--like this one on May 4, 1990--are scheduled at different times. -------- (Not yet translated from the Pennsylvania Dutch.) Grundsow Lodge No. 12 on da Dulpehocka Pawd Des baweiss'd das da ________ fon ________ 'n fol shtandich lead iss fon da Grundsow Lodsch No. 12 on da Dulpehockae Pawd, und fershprocha hut die yarlich 1990 Fersommling ei tzunemma om 7:13 ovets, da 4't Moi onn, Haaga Watshaus, Shartlesville, Pa. Harvey A. Hill, Jr., Hauptmann William H. Keener, Shreiver Sei so gute und halt ken sitzplatz zurick. Please do not reserve any seats. Seating is available as members arrive. No. 0255 -------- Dierra Tzettle Des beweiss'd das da ________ fon ________. Mir Zwelf Daller Batzawled hut fer ein Glead tzu, werra bleiva fon da Grundsow Lodsch No. 12 on da Dulpehocka Pawd. Fohr g'shloga fom Glead Tox $12.00 RAWD No. 0255

Groundhog Brand Hams, Bacon, and Lard, 1929

01 Feb 2015 1 1 1168
"Punxsutawny Beef and Provision Company, Punxsutawny, Penna., packers-manufacturers, beef, pork, veal, lambs, and provisions. H. A. Philliber, general manager. John F. Philliber, business manager. Groundhog Brand hams, bacon, and lard. Weather for today. Date: 11/4/29. Forwarded by: Truck." Punxsutawney , Pennsylvania, is home to Punxsutawney Phil , the famous rodent who predicts the weather each year on Groundhog Day , which is celebrated on February 2. The Punxsutawney Beef and Provision Company used an illustration of its hometown groundhog--complete with an umbrella and "Weather for Today" newspaper report--as the logo on this 1929 billhead. For an example of the company's logo on a matchbook cover, see Groundhog Brand Pure Kettle-Rendered Lard .

Groundhog Window Glass, Punxsutawney, Pa., 1918

01 Feb 2015 1 1032
"Groundhog Window Glass, Bell Phone 147-J, Summerville Phone 268, 310 E. Mahoning Street, Punxsutawney, Pa., Aug. 28, 1918. Sold to Mr. J. A. Boyer, Rural Valley, Pa. L. G. Bastin & Sons, window glass distributors and glaziers. Circle cutting, glazing, plate glass, window glass, bent glass, and bevel glass. 3-16 glass for windshields, colored glass, chipped glass, mirror and picture frames." L. G. Bastin & Sons, a company that was located in Punxsutawney , Pennsylvania, used "Groundhog Window Glass" as a brand name and also included an illustration of a groundhog on this 1918 billhead. The town of Punxsutawney, of course, is home to Punxsutawney Phil , the famous rodent whose annual weather predictions are celebrated on February 2, Groundhog Day .

Groundhog Brand Pure Kettle-Rendered Lard

29 Jan 2014 3 1324
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, is home to Punxsutawney Phil , the famous rodent who predicts the weather on Groundhog Day , which is celebrated each year on February 2. It's not surprising, then, that the Punxsutawney Beef and Provision Company used a Groundhog Day-themed logo. Notice that the groundhog on the matchbook cover is holding an umbrella and a newspaper with a "Weather For Today" headline. -------- "Pure kettle-rendered lard, Punxsutaweny Beef and Provision Company, Punxsutawney, Pa. Weather For Today. Close cover before striking." "Groundhog Brand ham, bacon, lard, and sausages. Punxsutawney, Pa. Punxsutawney Beef and Provision Company, packers-manufacturers, beef, pork, veal, lambs, provisions. Lion Match, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa."

Groundhog Day Weather Prophet

31 Jan 2016 4 1 564
"T-26 Mr. Ground Hog, the Original Weather Prophet." After digging out following a record-breaking thirty-some inches of snow last weekend , I'm hoping that the groundhog won't see his shadow on Groundhog Day . In this amusingly garish linen postcard, Mr. Ground Hog seems to be baring his teeth at the notion of being pulled from his den to display his skills at prognostication. For some other items featuring the weather-wise woodchuck, see my Groundhog Day album.

Groundhog Lodge No. 9 Fersommling, Program Booklet…

02 Feb 2017 1 2 1008
"Die elft yairlich Fersommling uns Fesht fon da Grundsow Lodsch Nummer Neina on Da Deef Runn. Mittwuch ovet der sivve un zwanzichscht Chanevari om halver siwwa owets im Nei Hilltown Schuulhause, Hilltown, Pa." Rough translation: "The eleventh yearly gathering and feast of the Groundhog Lodge Number Nine on the Deep Run, Wednesday evening, January 27, at 6:30 in the evening in the New Hilltown Schoolhouse, Hilltown, Pa." A groundhog adorns the cover of this 1965 booklet containing the program for a gathering of the all-male members of Grundsow Lodsch Nummer Neina (Groundhog Lodge Number Nine). The lodge is one of several groups that meet to promote the Pennsylvania Dutch language, and get-togethers often take place on or near Groundhog Day (February 2) each year. For another Grundsow Lodsch item, see Groundhog Lodge No. 12, Gathering, Shartlesville, Pa., May 4, 1990 (below). For further information, track down a copy of William W. Donner's book, Serious Nonsense: Groundhog Lodges, Versammlinge, and Pennsylvania German Heritage (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2016). By the way, the Pennsylvania German Groundhog Lodges and their gatherings, which began in the 1930s, are distinct from the celebrations featuring the nationally known Punxsutawney Phil , who's been prognosticating the weather for the Punxsutawney, Pa., Groundhog Club since 1886, and other local groundhog celebrities, including Octoraro Orphie, who's the weather forecaster for the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, Pa. (see below), which has been in existence since 1908.

Punxsutawney Phil Chocolates for Groundhog Day, Fe…

31 Mar 2018 2 3 478
I spotted this store display of Punxsutawney Phil groundhogs rendered in solid milk chocolate at a Gardners Candies store in State College, Pennsylvania, last year. I'm pleased to report today on Groundhog Day , February 2, 2019, that the esteemed rodent has predicted an early spring this year. Despite CNN's cynicism—see Groundhog predicts an early spring. Don't get too excited, he's usually wrong —I'm optimistic that the long national nightmare of last week's polar vortex is finally over.