On the Lam with Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, and Columbia

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On the Lam with Uncle Sam

05 Jun 2013 1526
A real photo postcard view of a parade, possibly part of an Independence Day celebration, somewhere in the United States. Uncle Sam is marching along with a group of musicians dressed in what look like World War I-era military uniforms, while men in civilian clothes, many carrying flags, follow behind.

Uncle Sam's Advice: Use the Empire Wringer

03 Mar 2014 1 1335
"Buy the 'Empire' Wringer. Uncle Sam--'Take my advice, and if you want a surplus use the Empire well.'"

What Have You Found Now, Christopher Columbus?

14 Oct 2013 2 2072
"At the World's Fair. Uncle Sam--What have you found now, Christopher? Columbus--Ah! At Last we have discovered 'solid comfort.'" Sign: "Re:Marks on Solid Comfort." -------- Text on back of trade card: If you want "solid comfort" you must have a Marks Adjustable Folding Chair. It combines in one a handsome parlor, library, smoking, and reclining chair, a perfect lounge and full length bed, and is altogether the best chair in the wide, wide world. In construction it is simple, durable, and elegant. Are you interested to know more about it. Catalogues fully illustrating the Marks Chair as well as a most complete line of invalids rolling chairs, invalid and library supplies will be furnished free on application to: Marks Adjustable Folding Chair Co., Ltd., sole proprietors and manufacturers, 930 Broadway, New York, and 215 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Frank E. Marks, pres., R. K. Thompson, sec. & treas. Philadelphia agents, John Wanamaker. San Francisco agents, Burr Folding Bed Co. Bigelow Lith. Co., Springfield, Mass.

Uncle Sam Automaton at the Columbian Exposition, C…

22 Jan 2015 6 2 2215
Although I haven't uncovered any specific information regarding Thomas Edison's Uncle Sam automaton at the Columbian Exposition in 1893, I suspect that it wasn't too far removed from the inventor's unsuccessful talking doll, which appeared in 1890. For info on this, see Gaby Wood, Edison's Eve: A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life (Knopf, 2002); Edison’s First, Less Scary Talking Doll Recording , a posting on The History Blog; a page dealing with the Edison Talking Doll - 1890 ; and, finally, a short segment on Edison's Talking Doll (with a demo of the doll!) that aired on Discovery's Oddities show. Uncle Sam The wonderful Edison talking automaton at World's Fair, delivering 40,000 speeches during the Exhibition, about Highest Award, Gold Medal, Hub Gore. Hub Gore Makers, Elastic for Shoes. Hub Gore A. Trade Mark. Highest Gold Medal Awarded. Elastic for Shoes, Highest Award to Hub Gore Makers. Columbian Exposition.

Keep Your Pants On with the Atwood Suspender

22 Jan 2015 3 986
Text on box lid: "Keep your pants on with the Atwood Suspender, manufactured only by the Atwood Suspender Co., Swanton, Vt." "Copyright, 1901, by Atwood Suspender Co. American Lithographic Co., N.Y."

J. E. Kaughran, New York

22 Jan 2015 3 1 1665
"J. E. Kaughran & Co., 767 & 769 Broadway, New York. M. Heminway & Sons, Sublime Quality, Warranted, 100 yds. Manufactory, Watertown, Conn. Established 1849." In this nineteenth-century advertising trade card, Uncle Sam is running rampant with his goat cart, which is constructed with oversized spools of thread, while a foot-juggler performs with a ball on the back of the cart. For the other side of this card, see John E. Kaughran, Dry Goods, New York :

Here's Luck to Dear Old Ireland

17 Mar 2014 1207
Postmarked: "Pittsburg, Pa., March 17, 1911." -------- Here's luck to Dear Old Ireland, the cradle of all true and loyal hearts. May her memory ever stay green in the hearts of all sons of Old Erin.

I Beg You Not to Shoot Too Hard and Cause a Confla…

20 Jun 2016 1 462
"July third. I beg you not to shoot too hard and cause a conflagration, but give 'three cheers' for the stripes and stars on this birthday of our nation. AAR."

Santa and Uncle Sam's Christmas Greetings

St. Patrick's Day Greetings

17 Mar 2014 1026
"Wishing you luck."

Hurrah! Hurrah! The Fourth of July!

27 Jun 2013 2 1626
"Hurrah! Hurrah! The Fourth of July. Liberty. Copyright 1908, P. Sander, N.Y." The disembodied head of Uncle Sam appears to be exploding out of an oversized firecracker to commemorate Independence Day!

Hurrah for the Fourth of July

20 Jun 2016 3 1225
Uncle Sam and some boys use fireworks and a cannon to break through a gigantic American flag in order to deliver a message of "Hurrah for the Fourth of July." See below for some more Fourth of July postcards.

Fourth of July Greetings

Fourth of July Greetings

Hurrah! The Glorious 4th July! Hurrah!

28 Jun 2015 1 683
Printed on back: "S. B. 258."

Thanksgiving Greetings from Uncle Sam

21 Nov 2016 1 956
For some other quirky Thanksgiving postcards featuring Uncle Sam, see Ruler of the Day on Thanksgiving and Uncle Turkey Sam (below).

Ruler of the Day on Thanksgiving

Uncle Turkey Sam

05 Nov 2013 2 1 848
Thanksgiving greetings from a wacky turkey with an Uncle Sam head! Posted for the Weird Vintage Postcards group.

45 items in total