Woman in the Snow

Women in Vintage Photos

Folder: Photos

Woman in the Snow

10 Oct 2011 4 2 1076
"Boston Art Gallery, 109 Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa."

Woman with Dog

24 Jul 2012 3 1123
See also a detail showing a close-up of the furniture on the right side of the photo.

The Triplet Children of J. M. and Emma C. Tracey

03 Aug 2011 5 3 1776
Although this photo was in poor shape when I bought it and required significant touch-up to make the image somewhat more visible for posting, I thought that the appeal for assistance printed on the back of the card made it worthwhile. I did some searching for further information about the triplets, but didn't uncover a definitive account of their story. The Find A Grave Web site contains some information regarding the girls' parents, Jarred Washington Tracey (1857-1906) and Emma Barton Tracey (1858-1949) (I'm not sure why the parents' middle names don't match their middle intials on the card). Emma Tracey's entry includes a different photo of the mother with her three daughters. Find A Grave also contains entries for the children, Mabel V. Tracey McKelvey (1886-1967) , Edith Grace Tracey Thompson (1886-1967) , and Bessie Barton Tracey Willard (1886-1966) . -------- Printed on the back of the card: The Triplet Children of J. M. and Emma C. Tracey, Fountaindale, Pa. Mable Viola, Born April 4, 1886, noon, weighed 6 lbs. Edith Grace, Born April 5, 1886, noon, weighed 6 lbs. Bessie Barton, Born April 6, 1886, 4 p.m., weighed 7 lbs. Mrs. Tracey, the mother of these babes, was born with but one arm. Photographs taken Aug. 26, 1886. Cabinet photographs of these children will be mailed to any address for 25 cents. Address J. M. Tracey, Fountain Dale, Adams co., Pa. The profit from the sale of photographs will be devoted to rearing and educating the triplets. -------- Printed on the front of the card below the photo (too faint to be visible here): "Tipton Photo, Gettysburg, Pa."

Two Woman Posing for a Boardwalk Souvenir, Atlanti…

06 Jun 2013 4 2 1137
Early beach attire in Atlantic City, New Jersey-- women in swimsuits for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Printed on the back of this real photo postcard: "Atlantic City Souvenir. Photo by Phillips, 1619 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J."

The Bridal Party

27 Jun 2013 4 1 1589
A real photo postcard showing the women who participated in an all-female mock wedding, date and location unknown.

Shivering at the North Pole, Santa's Village, Jeff…

11 Jun 2013 1 1941
The woman here is pretending to shiver in the cold as she stands next to the North Pole and igloo at Santa's Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire, during the summer of 1969. This is one of a number of vacation photos I purchased recently (in 2013). For another example from this set, see Home of 1000 Animals, Lake Placid, N.Y., 1969 . For another Christmas theme park with its own North Pole, see Santa's Workshop, North Pole, New York .

Same Beach, Different Hat

Runaway Bride

25 Jul 2013 4 1291
Or at least it looked like a runaway bride to me at first glance. After seeing what was written on the back of the photo, however, it appears that "Verla" (on the right) and an accomplice (on the stairs) are running out of the church in order to play a prank on the bride and groom by "decorating" their car ("Gil's car") in some amusing, inconvenient, or embarassing way. I still remember how some friends "decorated" the getaway car at my cousin's wedding by spraying shaving cream all over it. Handwritten description on the back of the photo: "Front view of church & shows how windy it was. Verla in foreground.They're on their way to decorate Gil's car." Dealer's handwritten caption on the back of the photo: "Holy #&@! Run!!"

Wow, the Gal Has a Plow!

30 Jul 2013 5 2 1276
Handwritten on the other side of this real photo postcard: "Fannie Kline." The unique elements in this photo--the tilted orientation, massive stone house, little chicken/big horse juxtaposition, shadow people at the bottom, and unenthusiastic look of the woman posing with the plow--all combine to make for an odd yet amusing scene.

German Shepherd Shaking and a Shadow

Scolding the Cat?

14 Aug 2013 6 2 839
Or training it how to sit in a chair?

Scolding the Cat? (Detail)

14 Aug 2013 1 528
Detail showing a close-up of the cat. For the full photo, see Scolding the Cat? (below).

Woman Holding a Cat

15 Aug 2013 3 618
For another photo of this cat and its owner, see Scolding the Cat? (below).

Shadowy Bicyclist

High over Zurich, Sept. 22, 1910

11 Aug 2013 5 1810
Posted to the Vintage Photos Theme Park group for "rattan/bamboo/wicker" theme week. Although the photo is obviously contrived, the gondola--with attached ropes and sandbags--looks like a real wicker basket similar in appearance to those used for hot air balloons. A real photo postcard addressed on the back to: "Mr. and Mrs. J. [Paules?], Oakryn, Pennsylvania, U.S. America." The message on the back: "Sept. 22nd, 1910. We are spending the afternoon at Zurich on our way home from Switzerland, had a lovely drive. The lady in the balloon with us is the one we have been staying with at St. Gallen. Love, Leslie and Ethel."

Arizona Kid and His Cow Girls, Reading, Pa., 1941

13 Aug 2013 4 3 2746
"Arizona Kid and His Cow Girls, Reading, Pa., 1941. Arizona Kid, Sun Set, Texas Jean, Moon Beam, Utah Ginny, Montana Patsy, Popeye, Chuckles, Winnie, and Sheriff and Cactus Sam. WYZ."

Out on a Picknick!

03 Jul 2013 4 785
A real photo postcard showing two couples--Cal and Grace, Harry and Alvilda--picnicking somewhere in or near Portland, Oregon. See also a cropped version of this photo showing a close-up of the picnickers and their box of Abetta Biscuits. Posted as a barbeque/picnic photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park group. Handwritten message on the front (above) by "Alvilda," who's the woman on the right in the photo: This is Cal and Grace, Harry and I, out on a picknick . Printed on the back: Cal Calvert, 10 Minute Postcard Man, City Park, Washington St., Entrance, Portland, Oregon. Mazeograph process. Copyrighted. Handwritten message on the verso (there's no address, stamp, or postmark): Hello, Mama and Papa, When are you coming to see us. We are having lovely weather and would like for you to come before the rain starts again. Cal and Grace was down and spent the eve last night. Business is doing fine now. Hop-picking is over you know and people have money now. Good bye, your Alvilda.

A Study in Handbags

19 Aug 2013 2 893
Handwritten note on the back of this real photo postcard: "A study in hand bags." I thought at first that this might be Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, but I haven't been able to confirm it. Unfortunately, I can't make out any of the inscription on the plaque that's bolted to the side of the brickwork. Does anyone recognize the location? Can anyone identify the type of fortification structure or the kinds of artillery?

677 items in total