The Great Raymond Is Here

Labels and Tags

The Great Raymond Is Here

17 Sep 2013 3 1107
"The Great Raymond. ¿No lo ha visto ud? [Have you seen him?]. Ya llegó [He is here]." This circular advertising piece--similar in size and appearance to a luggage label--shows two small imps or devils whispering in the ears of Morris Raymond Saunders (1877-1948), a magician whose stage name was "The Great Raymond." If the translation from Spanish (above) is correct, one imp is asking, "Have you seen him?," and the other is answering, "He is here." According to Rhett Bryson, professor in the Theatre Arts department at Furman University, "The image of the sagacious magician looking knowingly at the viewer with small imps whispering the enduring secrets of magic in his ear has been often used on magician's advertising posters. This image of the magician getting the 'secrets' from these underworld demi-devils apparently started with Harry Kellar (on his 1894 poster)." For further discussion and additional images of imps imparting information to magicians on posters and other advertising materials, see Bryson's A Visual History of Whispering Imps on Magic Posters . For another example of whispering imps, see the Howard and Jane Thurston Good Luck Throw-Out Card (small image below).

Parrot Safety-Match

05 Jul 2013 3 1456
Parrot Safety-Match. Made in Sweden. Jönköpings & Vulcans Tändsticksfabriks T.F.A.B., Sweden.

Atomic Safety Matches

27 Jan 2012 5 1319
"Atomic Safety Matches, supplied to PO Eng Trading Manila P.I. by Hong Kong Match Factory, manufacturers." For other atomic ephemera, take a look over on Flickr to see Fire and Air Raid Signals / Survival Secrets for "A" Bombing and The Original Canned Radiation, Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania .

Engine Brand Safety Matches

31 Jan 2014 4 1280
"Engine Brand Safety Matches. Made in Sweden. Impregnated."

Tricycle Safety Matches

Palmer's Roseine Matches

16 Jan 2014 2 1514
"Palmer's Roseine Matches. British made. J.P. & S. Trademark."

Joker Safety Matches

30 Jul 2015 1 1 1513
"Made in Poland."

The Norge to the North Pole Safety Matches

30 Jul 2015 3 1 1195
"The Norge to the N. Pole. Safety matches. Made in Italy. S.A. Fabbriche Riunite Fiammiferi, Milano." According to Wikipedia , "The Norge was a semi-rigid Italian-built airship that carried out what many consider the first verified overflight of the North Pole on May 12, 1926. It was also the first aircraft to fly over the polar ice cap between Europe and America. The expedition was the brainchild of polar explorer and expedition leader Roald Amundsen, the airship's designer and pilot Umberto Nobile and American explorer Lincoln Ellsworth, who along with the Aero Club of Norway financed the trip." For more information, see Wikipedia's Norge (airship) article.

Froggy Chorus

30 Jul 2015 3 1 925
"Solo Match. Made in Austria."

Feline Laundry

30 Jul 2015 3 967
"Solo Match. Made in Austria."

Cupid's Looking for You!

12 Feb 2015 3 1062
"B. Fürth, Vienna. Made in Austria." Cupid uses a spyglass to peer down from his hot air balloon on this matchbox label.


09 Jun 2015 1 852
"Prime. G. S. Harris Sons, Phila." For two other cigar box labels printed by the lithographic firm of Geo. S. Harris & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., see First Rate and Prime , and Professor Morse --printed by the

First Rate

09 Jun 2015 1 869
"First Rate. G. S. Harris Sons, Phila." Three cigar box labels--First Rate, Prime , and Professor Morse --printed by the lithographic firm of Geo. S. Harris & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa.

Professor Morse

09 Jun 2015 2 1 1115
Printed on the back of this sample cigar box label: "Geo. S. Harris & Sons, Philadelphia, New York, and Chicago. No. 4505. Prof. Morse, trade mark. $6.00 per 1000. 70 cts. per 100. Also furnished blank." For two additional cigar box labels printed by the same lithographic firm, see First Rate and Prime .

First Pick

22 Aug 2017 3 1 615
"First Pick. O. L. Schwencke, lith., N.Y." A cigar box label printed by O. L. Schwencke. Notice how a box featuring this label appears within the design of the label itself. This recursive picture-within-a-picture is called the Droste effect , which is named after the Droste cacao tin that featured an illustration of a nun holding the tin.

Capital Gain Brand Vegetables

Conrad Weiser Cigar Label

18 Apr 2016 2 2 961
A cigar box label featuring an artist's conception of what Conrad Weiser might have looked like. According to Wikipedia, Conrad Weiser (1696-1760) was a Pennsylvania German "pioneer, interpreter, and effective diplomat between the Pennsylvania Colony and Native Americans. He was a farmer, soldier, monk, tanner, and judge. He contributed as an emissary in councils between Native Americans and the colonies, especially Pennsylvania, during the 18th century's tensions of the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)."

Ithaca Journal Extra Cigar Box Label

18 Apr 2016 2 2 1049
"Ithaca Journal Extra. D.B.S. Manufactured by D. B. Stewart & Co. Ithaca Journal."

75 items in total