Children's Mock Wedding, Perry County, Pa., 1920s

Vintage Photos

Folder: Photos

Children's Mock Wedding, Perry County, Pa., 1920s

03 Jun 2013 5 3 1590
Be sure to take a look at the cropped version of this photo to see the charming expressions of the bride, groom, and other cute members of the bridal party. From the Dente Studio, Newport, Pa.

Bride and Groom, Children's Mock Wedding, Perry Co…

03 Jun 2013 7 4 1670
I sense that the bride and groom may have had some second thoughts as they posed for this photo. See also the full version of this photo. From the Dente Studio, Newport, Pa.

Sam Spade and the Shovelers

02 Jun 2013 3 1 1092
Anyone know what the actual name of this music group might be? There was no identifying information on the front or back of the photo.

Teepees and Trading Post at Wigwam Village Motel N…

06 Oct 2012 4 1474
See also Braves Restroom at Wigwam Village Motel No. 2 . I bought these two small and somewhat blurry photos a couple of years ago. They were taken at one of the Wigwam Village Motels designed by Frank Redford, probably motel #2 in Cave City, Kentucky. In this photo (above), a Trading Post sign appears on the small building that's visible between the two teepees. The license plate on the car is 3EP16 but I was unable to determine which state issued the plate. I'm guessing that it was the photographer who left the car door open. The other photo (below) shows the Braves teepee, which was the men's restroom. (Thanks go to john4kc on Flickr for pointing out that the telegraph pole visible near the teepee in the background of this second photo suggests that these photos were probably taken at Wigwam Village Motel #2.)

Braves Restroom at Wigwam Village Motel No. 2

06 Oct 2012 2 1249
See also Teepees and Trading Post at Wigwam Village Motel No. 2 . I bought these two small and somewhat blurry photos a couple of years ago. They were taken at one of the Wigwam Village Motels designed by Frank Redford, probably motel #2 in Cave City, Kentucky. (Thanks go to john4kc on Flickr for pointing out that the telegraph pole visible near the teepee in the background of this photo--see above--suggests that this was probably motel #2.) This photo shows the Braves teepee, which was the men's restroom. In the other photo , a Trading Post sign appears on the small building that's visible between the two teepees. The license plate on the car is 3EP16 but I was unable to determine which state issued the plate. I'm guessing that it was the photographer who left the car door open.

And What Would You Like for Christmas, Soldier?

Same Beach, Different Hat

Home of 1000 Animals, Lake Placid, N.Y., 1969

11 Jun 2013 8 1 2423
"Home of 1000 Animals" was a tourist attraction that was part of the Sterling Alaska Fur and Game Farms, with locations in Lake Placid (as seen here) and Ausable Chasm, New York. According to the sign, there was "No Place on Earth Like This," and many tourists--like the ones here in the car pulling into the parking space--were undoubtedly trapped into stopping. Among the thousand animals inside were St. Nick's Animals , a Santa-themed section where visitors could feed goats, deer, and other animals. This is one of a number of vacation photos I purchased recently (in 2013). For another example from this set, see Shivering at the North Pole, Santa's Village, Jefferson, N.H., 1969 .

Shivering at the North Pole, Santa's Village, Jeff…

11 Jun 2013 1 1941
The woman here is pretending to shiver in the cold as she stands next to the North Pole and igloo at Santa's Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire, during the summer of 1969. This is one of a number of vacation photos I purchased recently (in 2013). For another example from this set, see Home of 1000 Animals, Lake Placid, N.Y., 1969 . For another Christmas theme park with its own North Pole, see Santa's Workshop, North Pole, New York .

Mugging for the Camera on the Beach in Atlantic Ci…

20 Apr 2012 5 1 1255
Handwritten on the back of this photo: "Atlantic City, N.J."

Grandma's Last Step

22 Jan 2013 2 2 1342
One of the dealers at a local antique mall sells a variety of old photos, and I usually find a few interesting images each time I visit. I noticed that the dealer occasionally adds pithy comments--ranging from clever and witty to sarcastic and dark--to the back of some of the photos, and I began watching for these "precaptioned" pics when I looked through the piles of hundreds of unsorted snapshots at his stand. I can't resist the captions that turn out to be interesting or amusing (and sometimes quirky or strange), and I often end up buying the photos, even if they're bent, torn, or taped. I don't know anything about the dealer who conjures up these captions, but perhaps he, too, appreciates a good Far Side or Charles Addams cartoon.

St. Nick's Animals, Home of 1000 Animals, Lake Pla…

16 Dec 2012 1 1580
This photo showing some of "St. Nick's Animals" was taken at the "Home of 1000 Animals," which was a tourist attraction that was part of the Sterling Alaska Fur and Game Farms, with locations in Lake Placid (as seen here) and Ausable Chasm, New York. As the signs suggest (see text below), visitors could purchase food in order to feed Angora goats, several varieties of deer, and other animals. For another photo, see Home of 1000 Animals, Lake Placid, N.Y., 1969 . St. Nick's Animals, Lake Placid Notice. Deer will eat from your hands. Buy food from machines and get good pictures. Angoras climb the mountain. Feed 'em on top. Get a good picture. Here are . . . brown Japanese, white European, Dama dama, [and] Indian spotted deers.

Pennsylvania Turnpike, Near Bedford, Pa.

24 Jul 2012 2 1054
Handwritten on back: "Super Highway near Bedford, Pa."

Group Portrait with Man Smoking

24 Jun 2013 6 1709
Posted for "Smoking" theme week in the Vintage Photos Theme Park group. The man in the middle of the photo is smoking, and I just hope he doesn't burst into flames! 8-) Actually, I suspect that this photo shows a group of teachers or chemists (notice the bottles of what may be chemicals on the shelves at the back of the room, and is that a periodic table chart hanging on the wall at right?) hamming it up for the camera in a school or workplace.

A Memento of a Visit to a Sherwin-Williams Paint S…

20 Jun 2013 3 722
"We're happy to present you with this memento of your visit to Sherwin -Williams, your best buy in paints. Bear Brand, finest sandpaper and tape. Picture attached with 941 Bear double-face tape."

Man Posing at Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa.

04 Mar 2015 2 812
A curious souvenir photo taken at Devil's Den , a rock formation located on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Adams County, Pennsylvania. A man, hat in hand, stands in the middle in front of one of the enormous granite boulders, while another man stands on top of the boulder at right. A small group of people are visible on the other side of the rock at lower right. In front of the rock is a tripod with a cloth cover, presumably hiding a camera. Could the group be assembling for a photo by a commercial photographer (who would be using the camera on the tripod) while the man in front poses for a picture taken with someone else's camera? It's possible that the man on top of the boulder is simply another tourist who happened to wander into the photo (the boulders are accessible via the hill behind them, and visitors can still walk on top of the rocks today). For similar photos, see my album of Souvenir Photos from the Gettysburg Battlefield .

A. J. Clark, Calling Card with Photograph

24 Jun 2013 3 1 1508
"Yours Truly. A. J. Clark."

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