Compliments of A. D. Harding Artistic Photographer

Cabinet Cards and CDVs

Folder: Photos

Compliments of A. D. Harding Artistic Photographer

20 Jun 2011 4 1168
"Compliments of A. D. Harding, artistic photographer, 42 Main St., Susquehanna, Penn'a. Satisfaction guaranteed." For a delightful collection of similar cards with photos, see Photo_History's set of Calling Cards, Business Cards, and ID Cards over on Flickr.


20 Jun 2011 1 844
See also the back of this CDV , which identifies it as coming from the studio of "J. G. Vallade, portrait painter and photographer, one door above post office, Altoona, Pa."

Boxers (Back)

20 Jun 2011 948
See also the front of this CDV . "J. G. Vallade, portrait painter and photographer, one door above post office, Altoona, Pa. Negatives will be preserved. Photograph albums, gilt and rosewood frames, and landscape oil paintings for sale."

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb in Their Wedding Attire

06 Nov 2014 3 3 2338
A weddings photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Handwritten caption (barely visible at the bottom of the photo above): "Mr. & Mrs. T. Thumb." Handwritten note on the back of the photo (see below): "Mr. & Mrs. Tom Thumb." Printed on the back of the photo: "Published by the New York Photographic Co., No. 453 Broadway, New York." Other versions of this photo are captioned "Mr. & Mrs. 'General Tom Thumb' in Their Wedding Costumes" (see, for instance, Photo_History's copy, Tom Thumb's Wedding by Brady , on Flickr). As Wikipedia explains, " General Tom Thumb was the stage name of Charles Sherwood Stratton" (1838-1883), a little person who became famous as a performer for circus promoter P. T. Barnum. His marriage to Lavinia Warren (1841-1919), a little person who was a former school teacher, took place on February 10, 1863, and received extensive publicity. Stratton died in 1883, and Lavinia married another little person, Count Primo Magri (1849-1920), in 1885 (see the photo of Count and Countess Magri below). Despite her marriage to Magri, Lavinia continued to make appearances as Mrs. General Tom Thumb (see below for a 1912 theater advertisement and an undated green ticket ). Lavinia died in 1919 and was buried next to her first husband. Magri passed away the following year. After all the publicity generated by Lavinia and Stratton's marriage in 1863, people began referring to the playful mock marriages in which children assume the roles of bride and groom as "Tom Thumb weddings." These events are still held today by churches and other groups for fundraising and entertainment purposes (see below for a photo of a children's mock wedding held in the 1920s ).

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb in Their Wedding Attire (Ba…

06 Nov 2014 1 1115
Handwritten note on this CDV photo back : "Mr. & Mrs. Tom Thumb." Backmark: "Published by the New York Photographic Co., No. 453 Broadway, New York." For the photo on the front of this CDV, see Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb in Their Wedding Attire :

Count and Countess Magri

20 Jun 2011 3 2157
The Italian Count Primo Magri married Lavinia Warren , who was the widow of General Tom Thumb , in 1885. . For the back of this photo, see Count and Countess Magri (Back) (below, left). For more information about Lavinia Warren and her first husband, see Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb in Their Wedding Attire (below, right).

Count and Countess Magri (Back)

20 Jun 2011 1 1107
Handwritten note on this CDV photo back: "Count Primo Magri from Bologna, Italy. Countess." For the photo on the front of this CDV, see Count and Countess Magri :

A Man and His Horse

Middletown Gent

12 Dec 2011 1056
Photographer: "C. C. Keim, Middletown, Pa."

Woman in the Snow

10 Oct 2011 4 2 1076
"Boston Art Gallery, 109 Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa."

Tinted Cabinet Card of Man and Woman

A Boy's Cabinet Card Portrait with a Tennis-Themed…

03 Feb 2013 1573
A cabinet card photo featuring a decorative mask that forms a tennis-themed border, with two crossed tennis rackets and three tennis balls at the bottom, netting along the bottom and sides, and leaves and vines at the top. This appears to be the same mask (although flipped horizontally) used in Photo_History's Woman with Tennis Racket Decorative Mask - Cabinet Card .

Girl at the Gate

27 Jun 2011 8 2 1431
Photographer: E. F. Eton, 329 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.

Girl Holding Photograph

23 May 2013 7 1 596
Photographer name and studio locations embossed at the bottom of this cabinet card: "Fordtran, Kensington, Blue Island, and Riverdale" (Fordtran was located in the Chicago, Illinois, area). See also a detail showing the photograph that the girl is holding .

Girl Holding Photograph (Detail Showing Photograph…

23 May 2013 1 459
Looks like the girl is holding a photo of a girl or boy standing on a sofa or some other type of furniture. See also the full cabinet photo .

A Girl with Her Doll and Cart, Berlin

10 Jun 2013 6 2 1412
I thought at first that the doll was sitting on some sort of wheelbarrow, but as lisabee73 points out (see comments below) it's more likely that this is actually a dog cart or baby carriage. Printed on the back of this CDV: "A. Jandorf & Co., Berlin, C. Spittelmarkt 16/17, S.W. Bellealliancestr. 1/2, N.O. Grosse Frankfurterstr. 113. Platten werden zur Nachbestellung aufbewahrt."

Baby on a Crazy Quilt

24 Jan 2013 5 1 946
A baby perched on a quilt-covered rocking chair.

Pouting Baby with Hidden Mother's Arm, Harrisburg,…

23 Sep 2013 1 3 1239
"John D. Lemer, 1218 North 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa." For the Vintage Photos Theme Park, a hand in the photo with the person cut off .* For more of the same, track down a copy of Linda Fregni Nagler and Gioni Massimiliano's book, The Hidden Mother (London: MACK, 2013), which is a compilation of over 1,000 vintage photos of mothers attempting to remain hidden as they comfort children who are being photographed. *I try to sort through my collection in order to post a brand new photo for each week's theme, but I came up short this week and had to use one that I had previously posted elsewhere on Ipernity.

78 items in total