Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

Advertising Trade Cards

Folder: Ephemera

Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

28 May 2013 5 1839
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children Mothers, use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure in place of stupefying syrups, paregoric, and cordials. Immediate relief for wind colic or crying babies. Not injurious. Pleasant physic, teething lotion, diarrhoea mixture, cough and croup medicine. Colic cure, worm elixir, general tonic, chafing.

J. Kohn, the Leading Clothier and Hatter, Portland…

30 May 2013 3 1654
J. Kohn, the leading clothier and hatter, corner First and Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon.

J. Shisler, Dealer in Family Groceries, Harrisburg…

08 Oct 2012 1 1538
"J. Shisler, agt., dealer in selected family groceries, pure coffees, spices, and good teas, Third St. (opposite Opera House), Harrisburg." This is one of a six-part "Comic Visiting" card series printed by E. Currier & Co., Boston (probably related to the Currier of Currier & Ives but I'm not sure how). Other cards show a woman trying to attract a cat with a saucer of milk , a man peering through his eyeglasses at an owl, and a baby dangling a cup or something else to get a dog's attention.

W. H. Walmsley, Manager, R. & J. Beck, Opticians,…

12 Aug 2013 2 1547
"R. & J. Beck, opticians, No.1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Walmsley, manager. Spectacles, eye glasses, opera glasses, microscopes, thermometers, telescopes." For another trade card from this company, see R. & J. Beck, Opticians, Philadelphia, Pa. (thumbnail image below).

R. & J. Beck, Opticians, Philadelphia, Pa.

12 Aug 2013 4 1256
"R. & J. Beck, opticians, 1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Copyrighted by Chas. W. Frost 1879." There's no signature, but the artwork is either by or in the style of Kate Greenaway . For another trade card from this company, see W. H. Walmsley, Manager, R. & J. Beck, Opticians, Philadelphia, Pa. (thumbnail image below).

Van Duzer's Fruit Extracts Are the Best for Flavor…

20 Dec 2013 3 2 1476
"Van Duzer's Fruit Extracts. Perfectly pure! Van Duzer's Extracts are the best for flavoring ice cream, jellies, custard, pastry, &c. For sale by all first-class grocers."

Oh Come Off!

16 Jan 2014 1 2 893
So why is a kid with a dopey expression hoisting a giant flower-filled slipper onto another kid's back? It's just another Victorian-era mystery waiting to be solved in this curious illustration from an unused advertising trade card.

Hatters Sample Card

16 Oct 2013 4 721
"No. 404, Hatters' 2 designs." A sample of an advertising trade card for hatmakers.

What Have You Found Now, Christopher Columbus?

14 Oct 2013 2 2075
"At the World's Fair. Uncle Sam--What have you found now, Christopher? Columbus--Ah! At Last we have discovered 'solid comfort.'" Sign: "Re:Marks on Solid Comfort." -------- Text on back of trade card: If you want "solid comfort" you must have a Marks Adjustable Folding Chair. It combines in one a handsome parlor, library, smoking, and reclining chair, a perfect lounge and full length bed, and is altogether the best chair in the wide, wide world. In construction it is simple, durable, and elegant. Are you interested to know more about it. Catalogues fully illustrating the Marks Chair as well as a most complete line of invalids rolling chairs, invalid and library supplies will be furnished free on application to: Marks Adjustable Folding Chair Co., Ltd., sole proprietors and manufacturers, 930 Broadway, New York, and 215 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Frank E. Marks, pres., R. K. Thompson, sec. & treas. Philadelphia agents, John Wanamaker. San Francisco agents, Burr Folding Bed Co. Bigelow Lith. Co., Springfield, Mass.

Columbus Discovers Land

14 Oct 2013 2 1359
This advertising trade card showing Christopher Columbus (above) was intended to appeal to students. R. H. Buttorff (1849-1934), a photographer in York, Pennsylvania, gave cards like this to teachers, who could then reward students for good behavior by filling out the " Certificate of Reward " (below) that was printed on the back of the card. The certificate also offered a discount on special "Columbian" cabinet photographs that students could purchase at Buttorff's studio.

Certificate of Reward, Given by Buttorff, Photogra…

14 Oct 2013 1660
R. H. Buttorff (1849-1934), a photographer in York, Pennsylvania, used an advertising trade card showing Christopher Columbus (below, front of card) to promote his "special highly finished 'Columbian' photographs" in 1893. The "Certificate of Reward" (above, back of card) that he offered to teachers for distribution to students was similar to the rewards of merit they were already familiar with. In addition to the usual student recognition for "deportment and standing in studies," however, this reward certificate doubled as a coupon redeemable for a half-price deal on cabinet photographs. Unfortunately for us, however, the expiration date was March 1, 1894.

Latest Styles in Boots and Shoes, H. O. Robinson's…

10 Jan 2014 4 984
"Latest styles in boots and shoes at H. O. Robinson's, opp. Hampshire House, Ware."

N. J. Haibara, Tokyo, Japan

16 Oct 2013 1 1027
Founded in 1803, N. J. Haibara was a Japanese printing company and paper manufacturer based in Tokyo, as this Victorian-era business card indicates (see my Google-assisted translation below). Today, the firm operates under the name of Haibara Corporation and still manufactures washi and other types of paper. -------- N. J. Haibara Vingt recompenses obtenues aux expositions. Maison fondée en 1803. Eventails, cartes postales illustrée, crans. Papiers peints, tentures et tapisseries.Dessins imprimés sur la planche. Gravée, lithographié, phototypie. Cartes de visite. Papiers à lettre, enveloppes et cathets à papier. Imagier et marchand de papier. 1 Nihonbasi, Tôkiô, Japon. R. Nakamoura, atelier d'imprimerie, Simonegisi, Tôkiô. -------- N. J. Haibara Twenty awards obtained at exhibitions. House founded in 1803. Fans, illustrated postcards, screens. Wallpapers, wall hangings, and tapestries.Drawings printed on board. Engraving, lithography, collotype. Visiting cards. Letterheads, envelopes, and cachets for paper. Image maker and paper merchant. 1 Nihonbasi, Tokyo, Japon. R. Nakamoura, print shop, Simonegisi, Tokyo.

The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company, Type Foun…

01 Nov 2013 2 1110
The Zinco typeface illustrated on this advertising card is listed in the MacKellar, Smiths and Jordan Company's Specimens of Printing Types (1892), p. 285. The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company Type founders, Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Progressive and ambitious printers recognize the value of tasteful printing types. Our productions are unsurpassed for superior wearing quality, accuracy, and originality. Zimco series, four sizes.

A Merry Christmas, Compliments of Temple & Farring…

Sweep All That's Bad Away with the Old Year and Be…

01 Jan 2014 3 630
"Sweepe withe ye olde yeere all that's bad awaie, / And a newe lyfe begynne on Newe Yeere's Day. W.B.B., 1876." Sign on the door: "This house to let, apply." Unused advertising trade card, probably published in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1875.

Happy New Year, John Wanamaker, Grand Depot, Phila…

31 Dec 2013 2 974
"Happy New Year, John Wanamaker. Welcome at all times. Grand Depot, Philadelphia, Pa. Loag, pr."

De Laval Cream Separators

21 Mar 2014 3 1 1541
This advertisement consists of two die-cut pieces--shaped like a cow and a milkmaid--that have been glued together. For the back of this two-part advertising trade card, see De Laval Separators Have Revolutionized Dairying . "De Laval Cream Separators. Save $10 per cow every year."

192 items in total