The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company, Type Founders, Philadelphia, Pa.

Typefaces Identified

Folder: Ephemera

The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company, Type Foun…

01 Nov 2013 2 1116
The Zinco typeface illustrated on this advertising card is listed in the MacKellar, Smiths and Jordan Company's Specimens of Printing Types (1892), p. 285. The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company Type founders, Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Progressive and ambitious printers recognize the value of tasteful printing types. Our productions are unsurpassed for superior wearing quality, accuracy, and originality. Zimco series, four sizes.

Oyster and Turkey Supper Ticket, Voganville, Pa.,…

27 Sep 2018 2 580
A ticket printed in 1894 by Pluck Print . Oyster and Turkey Supper At H. S. Keller's Hotel, Voganville, Pa. Dancing free. On Thursday evening, Dec. 20, 1894. Price $1.00 for gentleman only. Price $1.50 for gentleman and lady. Pluck Print.

Grand Excursion and Picnic Ticket, Penryn Park, Ju…

06 Dec 2020 2 454
In 1900, the Sunday schools of churches in Landisville and Salunga, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, organized a trip to Penryn Park, a trolley park that was located about eighteen miles away near Cornwall in Lebanon County (YMCA Camp Shand, a children's summer camp, occupies the park site today). Grand Excursion and Picnic By Landisville and Salunga Sunday-schools, Wednesday, July 25, 1900, Penryn Park. Adults' ticket, 45 cents. Pluck Print.

A. H. Herr, Mill Creek Dairy, Lancaster, Pa.

13 Feb 2019 2 821
A late nineteenth- or early twentieth-century business card printed by David Bachman Landis, who operated Pluck Art Printery , which was later known as Landis Art Print. I haven't uncovered any reference to a "Mill Creek Dairy," but it's possible that "A. H. Herr" was Aaron H. Herr (1880-1940), a farmer who lived in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. A. H. Herr, Mill Creek Dairy. Pure milk and cream. Lancaster P.O., Pa.

A. W. Davis, Manufacturer of Carriages, Wagons, an…

13 Feb 2019 2 606
"A. W. Davis, manufacturer of carriages, wagons, and sleighs. No. 1523 North Salina Street, Syracuse, N.Y."

Ticket for a Chance on a $25 Suit of Clothes

15 Oct 2018 1 372
An early raffle ticket for a chance on a "$25 suit of clothes." It's likely that the "Liberty Band" was the one with that name based in Middletown, Pennsylvania. "This ticket is good for one chance on a $25 suit of clothes to be chanced off by the Liberty Band. Tickets, 5c or 6 for 25c. No. 832."

The World Is Before Us, Class of 1884

27 Feb 2017 551
Class of '84. Blanche Wilhelm, Mamie Moss, Minnie I. Wright, Maggie M. Waltman, Mame E. Jones, Omie Tilton, Joseph A. Cameron, Joseph N. Wright, Albert E. May. Mundus ante nos est [the world is before us].

Ticket Good for One Dance, Giffey's Hall, Ridgevil…

06 Oct 2018 1 409
"Good for One Dance at Giffey's Hall, Ridgeville Cors. , O." Dance ticket for Giffey's Hall , which was built in 1916 and currently houses a community theater. Compare this dance ticket with Rhodes Casino on the Pawtucket, Ticket Good for One Dance, Season 1901 .

Lewis Kramer, Practical Blacksmithing and Horsesho…

11 Jul 2011 1 766
"Lewis Kramer (successor to S. H. Bucher). Practical blacksmithing and horseshoeing. Repairing of wagons and machinery. Rear 332 Chestnut St., Pottstown, Pa."

Katydid Calling Card for E. L. Houghton

05 Apr 2020 3 360
A katydid perches on the left-hand side of a Victorian-era calling card for someone named E. L. Houghton.

George H. Howland

04 Nov 2013 1 1010
A colorful Victorian calling card. The typeface used on the card is MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan's Spencerian Script with ornamented capitals.

M. Roy Rumrill

20 Jul 2016 2 1 604
A selection of Victorian-era calling cards.

Samuel K. Groninger

25 Dec 2020 1 322
"Samuel K. Groninger. Each day, bring new pleasures!" A Victorian-era calling card with a winter theme for Christmas.

Hannah Matthias

20 Jul 2016 2 427
"Love crown your way."

Charles M. Horn

Stephen T. Bruce

John S. Kriebel, Only Thee

01 Nov 2011 1 729
One of five John S. Kriebel calling cards--two photographic cards ( John S. Kriebel and J. S. K. ) and three chromolithographed cards ( John S. Kriebel , John S. Kriebel, Only Thee , and John S. Kriebel, A Token of Love ). See also John S. Kriebel, Only Thee (Detail) , which shows the embellishments on the uppercase letters of the name, including a fish at the bottom of the S and a bird on the K. The typeface is MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan's Spencerian Script with ornamented capitals.

John S. Kriebel, A Token of Love

01 Nov 2011 1 733
One of five John S. Kriebel calling cards--two photographic cards ( John S. Kriebel and J. S. K. ) and three chromolithographed cards ( John S. Kriebel , John S. Kriebel, Only Thee , and John S. Kriebel, A Token of Love ). See also John S. Kriebel, Only Thee (Detail) , which shows the embellishments on the uppercase letters of the name, including a fish at the bottom of the S and a bird on the K. The typeface is MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan's Spencerian Script with ornamented capitals.

30 items in total