Adrian Jones' photos
Unknown sample2 2025
Taken with a 10x microscope objective and dark field lighting through a compound microscope, possibly a plant trichome or maybe a radiolarian, still trying to find a positive ID.
Wild Rose
Metrioptera roeselii female
Roesel's Bush Cricket
Speckled Bush Cricket Nymph
Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) Eggs
Puss Moth Eggs laid in a willow twig in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire , June 2024. This is a stack of thirty images taken in natural light using an OM Systems OM1 Camera..
Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus)
A Dock Bug catching some sunshine in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
Nomada bee
A Nomada Bee amongst Forget-Me-Nots in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
A small dungfly sitting on Cow Parsley in my gardewn. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
Gynandromorph Poplar Hawk Moth
A Gynandromorph Poplar Hawk (Laothoe populi) moth. It's probably one of the rarest and most unusual insects that I will ever photograph. The left side is female, the right side male. The colour difference of each side is quite noticable the male side slightly greyer and more defined. The antennae are also different, the male side being thicker the the one on the female side. Taken Shrewsbury, Shropshire May 2024.
Click Beetle
Greenbottle Fly
A specimen of Lucilia sericata commonly called a greenbottle fly at rest in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024. This is a single uncropped image.
Nomada Bee
A Nomada Bee about to take flight after feedimg from Forget me nots in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
Hoverfly (Helophilus pendulus)
A hoverfly, Helophilus npendulus, at rest on a leaf in my garden, May 2024, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Nursery Web Spider
A Nursery Web Spider basking on an old compost bag in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
Dung Fly Portrait
A dung fly poses briefly on a plant in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
Tortoise Beetles (Cassida vibex)
A mating pair of Cassida vibex, a Tortoise Beetle photographed on Knapweed in my garden. This is an in camera stack of fifteen images taken in natural light and uncropped.