Cornus Leaves


Cornus Leaves

02 May 2013 3 619
Young Cornus leaves, backlit by the morning sunlight.

Cornus Leaves

02 May 2013 1 1 568
Young Cornus leaves, backlit by the morning sunlight.

Drosera madagascariensis

02 Oct 2012 7 3 744
Another of the Sundews that I grow at home.

Drosera capensis 'Alba'

02 Oct 2012 8 3 812
Drosera capensis 'Alba', one of several species of Sundews that I grow.

Rebutia pulvinosa

30 May 2013 3 3 665
Rebutia pulvinosa flowering today in my greenhouse.

Lychnis flos-cuculi (Ragged Robin)

01 Jun 2013 2 3 862
A pretty wild flower, Lychnis flos-cuculi commonly called Ragged Robin blooming in my garden.

Potentilla flower.

30 Jun 2013 3 1 536
A Potentilla cultivar flower in my garden.

Zonal Pelargonium flower

22 Jun 2013 1 504
I haven't managed to take many insect macros recently but have managed a few flowers from the garden.

Hazel Catkins

06 Apr 2013 1 491
Its a beautiful day here, warm sunshine and no wind. There are butterflies and bees in the garden and the birds are busy in the nest boxes, an almost perfect day! These catkins are on my contorted hazel bush, couldn't resist a shot of them. Taken in natural light and uncropped.

Pinguicula laueana

23 Mar 2013 563
The beautiful flower of the insectiverous Butterwort, Pinguicula laueana flowering on a windowsill today. Natural light and uncropped.

Pinguicula laueana

23 Mar 2013 1 664
The beautiful flower of the insectiverous Butterwort, Pinguicula laueana flowering on a windowsill today. Natural light and uncropped.

Crassula 'Morgans Beauty'

17 Mar 2013 1 575
A beautiful hybrid Crassula, Morgan's Beauty, flowering today on a windowsill in the house. Natural light and uncropped.

Cephalophyllum subulatoides

12 Mar 2013 1 556
The beautiful flower of Cephalophyllum subulatoides that opened in the warmth of my greenhouse this afternoon. Natural light and uncropped.

Aloinopsis setifera

12 Mar 2013 518
The bright yellow flower of Aloinopsis setifera opened in the warmth and sunshine of the greenhouse today. Natural light and uncropped.

Aloinopsis spathulata

12 Mar 2013 630
A small Mesembryanthemum, Aloinopsis spathulata bringing a bit of colour to my greenhouse today. Natural light and uncropped.

Nananthus wilmaniae ?

18 Feb 2013 2 2 953
Another plant flowering in the greenhouse today, I'm guessing it may be Nananthus wilmaniae, the original label in the pot was Aloinopsis orpenii but I think that is probably incorrect. If anyone can confirm its ID I would be grateful. Taken in natural light and uncropped.

Aloinopsis schooneesii

18 Feb 2013 515
I went outside with the intention of photographing some insects in the warm sunshine but they had other ideas so I ended up in the greenhouse where some of the Mesembryanthemums are putting on a grand display of flowers. This is the yellow flowered form of Aloinopsis schooneesii. Taken in natural light and uncropped.

Aloinopsis schooneesii

04 Feb 2013 496
An Aloinopsis schooneesii blooms in the afternoon sunshine. Natural light and uncropped.

28 items in total