Juvenile Merlin with a Headache

Birds, A Modest Collection

Juvenile Merlin with a Headache

06 Jul 2011 6 2 716
I found this little fellow unable to fly after what we suppose was an unfortunate encounter with a plate glass window. I boxed him up and we found a raptor rehabilitation center. He had a concussion so they put him in a hyperbaric chamber then kept him until his baby feathers were gone. The sign of a concussion is how wide his irises are even with a bright light shining on them. Look carefully and you will see. To see a video of his physical examination: www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33752109 To see him released back into the wild: www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33752171

Diagnosis Raptor Concussion

06 Jul 2011 1 486
This little Merlin is being examined after I found him unable to fly in what I suppose was a collision with a plate glass window. They took good care of him and after he lost his baby feathers, he was released back to his parents. To see a still from this event: www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33752063 To see him released back into the wild: www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33752171

Raptor Release

07 Aug 2011 3 753
Merlin gets discharged from the rehabilitation center after a month of recuperation. We took him back where we found him as a juvenile. The volunteers at the center said that the parents will find him and teach him to hunt. We did not receive so much as a thank you from the bird. A video of his physical exam: www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33752109/in/album/686033 A still from his exam: www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33752063/in/album/686033

Mallard Quarterly

31 Mar 2014 15 11 940
A mallard posing at a fountain in Keukenhof Gardens in Holland. He is hoping to land a cover on Mallard Quarterly.

Migrating Sandhill Cranes

05 May 2014 3 4 498
This is a rare scene over our city. Migrating Sandhill Cranes create interesting patterns and directions as they move north. To see a video of the same event please visit www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33619759

Migrating Sandhill Cranes

05 May 2014 2 560
For those of you who enjoyed the still of the migrating Sandhill Cranes, here is a video I cobbled together of the same event. If you listen carefully past the wind noise, you will hear the cranes calling. I shot a still of this event located at www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33490147

Black-capped Chickadee

16 Jul 2014 2 353
This chickadee looks like a decoration on a Christmas tree. He stayed in the shadow for a long time and finally came into the open.

Road Cleaning Crew - Magpie

26 Jul 2014 5 1 363
The magpies and crows descended today on the street in front of my house to pick at the remains of a pigeon who did not cross the road carefully. Another link in the chain: should have walked at the walk sign.

Black Capped Chickadee Silouhette

22 Sep 2014 7 2 318
It was hide and seek with this little fellow who loves being in the shadows.


14 Dec 2014 7 1 377
A low level take-off after grabbing some seed that someone left out on the city trail for this fast moving little fellow. He was not concerned with my focusing range when he made off with lunch. Poecile atricapillus ORDER: PASSERIFORMES FAMILY: PARIDAE Quick for Alphabet site.

Surveying His Empire

22 Sep 2014 15 5 765
Black Capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee

Bohemian Waxwing 01

02 Feb 2015 4 2 355
The Bohemian Horde pillaged our neighborhood today. Yes, that is snow, not dust on my lens. :)

Bohemian Waxwing 02

02 Feb 2015 14 3 470
The Bohemian Horde pillaged our neighborhood today. Yes, that is snow, not dust on my lens. :)

Bohemian Waxwings 03

02 Feb 2015 6 1 347
The Bohemian Waxwings visited my street this week. Branches and twigs for the 10-Week picture Project.

Bored Waxwing

02 Feb 2015 9 4 422
This Bohemian Waxwing was getting bored so he tried to find a snack upside down.

Moon and Bird Over Pointe de la Parata

28 Mar 2015 7 3 497
Please expand the photo.

Hairy Woodpecker

24 May 2015 9 7 353
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides Villosus

155 items in total