Shift Change in Chobe National Park

Zambia and Botswana

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25 May 2011

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572 visits

Shift Change in Chobe National Park

I love this picture because it looks as though they are greeting each other as they change shifts in the Chobe National Park in Botswana.

21 May 2011

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311 visits

Preparing for Church

We slept beneath the nets on the stage of this church in rural Zambia. The people had unmatched hospitality. We cleared our belongings away before the 4 hour service. The woman on the right is sweeping the floor with a handmade hand broom. Flowers are tied to the posts and then, full of people, it becomes a wonderful worship space.

20 May 2011

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261 visits

One Can Always Look Up

The sky is always different when you travel in one way or another. We know we are somewhere different by just looking up. Here I was on a long bus trip across Zambia when I saw this magnificent sight.

19 May 2011

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260 visits

Car Park but No Road?

In context it makes sense but on its own it is humorous.

27 May 2011

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Fruitfulness Gone to Waste

These greenhouse supports should be protecting growing food products to support a school. Poor management and aid money that expired put this project to dereliction. The teachers at the school had not been paid in several months but continued teaching local children.

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28 May 2011

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Dutch Market in Lusaka, Zambia

On the last Saturday of each month the Dutch Reformed Church holds a market for crafts persons. Food items are also available. It is well known and well attended. We were fortunate to be there when it was open.

20 May 2011

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310 visits

Ride Home

This construction worker in Rural Zambia who had been working on building a clinic catches a ride home in the back of a pick up truck.

19 May 2011

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353 visits

Bagging Maize

Bagging maize in Zambia. With a 20% employment rate, farm workers will only take home a minimum wage of 2 dollars a day.

21 May 2011

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324 visits

Zambian Morning

Sunday morning in rural Zambia. The scorched patch to the left is to keep the land clear of snakes.
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