Cat in His Window

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Cat in His Window

Tulips with Higher Aspirations

02 Jun 2014 10 11 811
I caught these late arriving tulips in our front yard this year before they become a distant memory. For Apps Within your Camera group. Pinhole effect in art filters.

Tall Bluebells, Mertensia Paniculata

13 Jun 2014 6 9 674
My best guess is that these are Tall Bluebells, Mertensia Paniculata. AKA, Tall Lungwort, Northern Bluebells.

Migrating Sandhill Cranes

05 May 2014 3 4 498
This is a rare scene over our city. Migrating Sandhill Cranes create interesting patterns and directions as they move north. To see a video of the same event please visit

Roasting a Hot Dog

23 Jun 2014 10 3 797
After about of minute and a half of guitar intro the singing begins. The Platters classic:

Roasting a Hot Dog

Sunband 1

01 Jul 2014 4 487
As the sun was setting, this band in the sky appeared and the sun set behind it. I could only see it through the viewfinder.

Sunband 2

01 Jul 2014 10 6 609
An earlier take from Sunband 1.

Juvenile Merlin with a Headache

06 Jul 2011 6 2 716
I found this little fellow unable to fly after what we suppose was an unfortunate encounter with a plate glass window. I boxed him up and we found a raptor rehabilitation center. He had a concussion so they put him in a hyperbaric chamber then kept him until his baby feathers were gone. The sign of a concussion is how wide his irises are even with a bright light shining on them. Look carefully and you will see. To see a video of his physical examination: To see him released back into the wild:

Because We are Here

10 Jan 2012 5 1 309
Because the sun was coming through the window and this arrangement looked better than usual.


11 Jul 2014 10 6 399
July is breaking out all over. Flowers in our neighbourhood.


11 Jul 2014 3 362
July is breaking out all over. Flowers in our neighbourhood.

Alberta Wild Rose

11 Jul 2014 2 345
This is the floral symbol of our province.


11 Jul 2014 14 7 713
July is breaking out all over. Flowers in our neighbourhood. Taken with pinhole art filter effect built into my camera. SOOC. Member if the garlic family.

Decomposing Gracefully

My White Whale

14 Jul 2014 7 1 356
I am so envious of all the great wildlife photographs on ipernity. I am not very good at catching any kind of wildlife, let alone make it look pleasing. I have been trying to capture this little fellow for the past week. Tonight he risked being photographed because of the bowl of water in our back yard. I finally captured him with several shots. He is my white whale and I finally have him. :)

Squirrel Surveillance

14 Jul 2014 360
You are the one being watched. Expand the photo and find the two spies in the spruce tree. Soon after the shutter released, one of these two spies fell at my feet and scurried for cover. Yes, I know it is overexposed.

114 items in total