stamp328 (1926)

Classic & post-classic stamps

Classic stamps (1840-1900) and post-classic stamps (1900-1925)

stamp328 (1926)

31 Dec 1925 5 338
GREECE: Envelope cutout with a definitive stamp of 1 drachma of the 1919/1926 lithographic issue and a "supplementary tax" revenue of 10 lepta of 1913. Both cancelled with maritime handstamp "ΕΝΩΣΙΣ ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΙΚΩΝ ΕΤΑΙΡ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ -1925" (Union of Steam Shipping Companies of Piraeus -1925). The 10 lepta revenue stamp was used in place of the "Hellenic Red Cross" semipostal stamp in use at the time. This type of cancellation indicates that the letter was handed to the shipping agency, carried over to a major port (almost certainly Piraeus) and entered the official postal system there. The cutout is undated but based on the date on the handstamp (1925) and the withdrawal of the definitive stamps (1927-04-01), it is estimated as late 1925 to March 1927.

Postal Sector 921 (1920)

29 Jul 1920 3 280
GREECE: Stamp of 1 lepton on 1916 royalist government (overprint ET+crown) definitive issue with a very clean postmark "ΕΛΛ. ΣΤΡ. ΤΑΧ. ΕΝ ΣΟΦΙΑ - ΤΑΧ. ΤΟΜ. 921" (Greek Military Post Office in Sofia [Bulgaria], Postal Sector 921) dated 29 July 1920.


01 Jan 1919 1 410
Thrace: Bulgarian fiscal stamp of 30 st. (Гербова Марка, Тридесеть Ст.), overprinted THRACE INTERALLIÉE during Allied Occupation of Thrace after World War I (1919).


07 Aug 1918 3 275
Greece: Postage (semipostal) and revenue stamp for additional social/charity tax (1917), overpirnt Κ.Π. on 1913 occupation revenue stamp (20 lepta on 20 lepta). The specific stamp on this image was used postally in 1918, after the KP stamps were officially withdrawn.


22 Jan 1918 2 281
GREECE: Block of 4 definitive stamps of 1916 royalist government definitive issue (ET+crown overprint) cancelled with a military postall service blue-black postmark "ΣΤΡΑΤ. ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΑ 920 - 22 ΙΑΝ 18" (MIL. POST OFFICES 920 - 22 JAN 18).

Greece-Provisional Govt 10 lepta (1917)

02 Sep 1917 2 604
Stamp of the Venizelist provisional government of Thessaloniki, cancelled with British Army postmark on 1917-09-02.


01 Apr 1917 1 544
GREECE: Semipostals - charity overprints (KP 5/40 and 5/50) on 1912 Campaign stamps of Greece.


15 Sep 1915 6 1 524
French military postmark with two Greek "1912 Campaign" stamps cancelled with "TRESOR ET POSTES 198" military postmark (French Macedoinan Front) and addressed to Cote d'Or. It is also stamped with an arrival postmark at NUITS ST GEORGES - COTE D'OR - 24-9-15.


12 Mar 1914 1 339
GREECE: "Souda" issue stamp, cancelled (with the old Cretan State postmark of 1908) in Souda on March 12, 1914.


01 Jan 1914 286
GREECE: Definitve stamp of 10 lepta of 1913 lithographic issue, cancelled with rural postman's rhombic stamp #56, ciira 1914.


01 Jun 1913 2 572
Stamp of Greece 1913 (normally for use in occupied Ottoman territories under Greek administration) cancelled with undated ARGOS-NAFPLION Railway Post Office postmark.


01 Mar 1913 2 558
Yeni-Djami (New Moqsue) in Thessaliniki before 1912. (old postcard with Bulgarian stamp of 3ct and postmark "SOLOUN 1 III 913")

Lemnos-1912-0.03 (block)

28 Oct 1912 5 285
GREECE: Occupation stamp ("ΛΗΜΝΟΣ" overprint on 1911 recess printng definitive) issued in 1912 for Lemnos Island, block of 4 3 lepta stamps cancelled with Type V postmark "ΛΗΜΝΟΣ 28 ΟΚΤ (19)12".


31 Dec 1910 1 532
The "Mon Bonheur" stately house in Thessaliniki, before 1912. (old postcard)


11 Jan 1909 1 232
GREECE: Educational fees revenue stamp of 50 lepta, introduced with Law 3438/1909 (Government Gazette issue A284/1909). The stamp was affixed on elementary school certificates and the income was used to fund rifle ranges for training the students in firearms.


13 Jul 1906 2 636
The italian hospital in Thessaloniki, before 1912. (Old postcard)

Crete-1905 1dr

02 Feb 1905 3 677
CRETE 1905: Definitive postage stamp of the Cretan State, second set, 1905. Shows ancient coin with Zeus and Europa (mythology). Design by I. Svoronos (1863-1922), engraving and printing by Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co Ltd, London, UK.


01 Jan 1902 1 218
GREECE: Postage stamp of 1 drachma with "AM" (Value in Metal) indication, used for international money orders and parcels.

32 items in total