shrine - rdhinmn

Croatia - 2013

shrine - rdhinmn

12 Oct 2013 96
Zagreb Old Town Gate, now a shrine - Kamenita vrata

Mirogoj Cemetery, Zagreb

image for Veterans' Day

13 Oct 2013 2 1 78
Karlovac, Croatia Building destroyed in the Homeland War of the 1990's. Posted a bit out of sequence for the occasion.


13 Oct 2013 59
somehow this doesn't look lethal - which is chilling Karlovac open air museum

the Placa, at night

15 Oct 2013 1 77
Topaz Simplify 4

Dubrovnik at night - from outside the wall


18 Oct 2013 64
outside the walls - Split

the old part of Split

18 Oct 2013 87
I don't know why I don't have shots of the Roman part of the old city - Diocletian's palace - but I don't seem to.

palace square

18 Oct 2013 76
inside Diocletian's Palace, Split

Forum Coffee Bar, Zadar

Maiden with the Seagull

20 Oct 2013 92

evening promenade

01 Oct 2013 94
Opatija waterfront

Saint Andrew's Church, Mošćenice - another version

20 Oct 2013 101
the first version posted on ipernity


22 Oct 2013 2 110
in the Veneto

Frankfurt, Germany airport

11 Oct 2013 84
Yes, that's a bicycle....

Frankfurt, Germany airport - children's area

Zagreb railroad station

11 Oct 2013 58
A point of disembarkation for the Orient Express

across from the Esplanade Hotel, Zagreb

311 items in total