sun hat

in-state misc.

State Fair, our children's homes, cycling trips, garden tour, etc.

wine glass i

wine glass ii

car, in car

19 Apr 2014 71
what to do while sitting waiting in a parking lot when camera is along

Easter flowers

after the egg hunt

one more look at the holidays

didn't realize we had had this much snow yet...


01 Jan 2014 74
One of the two we worked on New Year's Eve. I remember working this one with my grandmother and aunt many, many years ago.


01 Jan 2014 64
for New Year's Day breakfast

wine rabbit

25 Dec 2013 71
Happy New Year, one and all!

be of good cheer

just waiting

next year's card?

Christmas sunset


holiday treat

24 Dec 2013 51
ice cream topped with pomegranate seeds marinated in triple sec

after the presents were opened

176 items in total