fireworks 1

older slides

mostly 1970's - 1980's

fireworks 1

01 Jul 1974 1 98
old slide

butterfly 2

01 Jun 1974 82
old slide


cactus, evening

evening primrose


01 Sep 1972 51
working on scanning in slides taken 30 - 40 years ago...

long-gone roses

01 Jun 1973 48
old slide - works for wallpaper, but probably best to put icons in row at the top if you have a small number of them


01 Jul 1974 37
old slide

old rose

01 Jun 1974 47
the climbing rose Handel, I think.... old slide

the Arch, not quite finished

01 Oct 1965 45
old slide - one of the oldest we kept

... then they came upon a marvelous old house ...

01 Jul 1975 35
the Daniel Boone home, Defiance, Missouri old slide, not processed in any way to enhance the dark


01 Jul 1974 51
old slide


01 Sep 1974 52
old slide

cemetery gate

01 Jul 1973 43
old slide

Floread, 1992

03 Apr 2012 49
old slide


01 Jun 1974 52
old slide


01 May 1972 58
old slide

peach blossoms

01 Apr 1972 63
old slide

69 items in total