
China 2011


28 Sep 2011 125
rock carvings, Dazu, China.

China - National Celebration

04 Oct 2011 62
I'll be uploading a lot of pictures from China and Tibet over the next few weeks (months?) If any Contacts prefer not to be swamped by these, I won't be hurt if you remove me as a Contact. It may take a while - converting RAW files to jpegs and adjusting balances along the way is taking a while, and then I'll need to organize photos from two different cameras.

Beijing airport

Our hotel in Beijing

17 Sep 2011 54
Could be anywhere in the world.....

outside our hotel

hotel lobby

hotel lobby, Beijing

hotel lobby, Beijing

hotel lobby, Beijing

hotel lobby, Beijing

Beijing, night

our Beijing hotel, night

hotel lobby, Beijing

from our hotel window - the CCTV towers

18 Sep 2011 63
The "Walking pants" or "long johns" building - not universally liked by the locals...

The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, Beijing

20 Sep 2011 83
We and a few thousand others visited on a clear, warm day.

Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests

20 Sep 2011 57
back side

Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests

Temple complex, Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests

572 items in total