Tango - Buenos Aires

Argentina - 2013

Tango - Buenos Aires

One Airport is Much Like Another

13 Feb 2013 86
We flew Minneapolis - Dallas - Miami - Buenos Aires - Iguazu over a day and a half. I think this is Miami.

to those who cannot sleep on an overnight flight

a glimpse of Buenos Aires

14 Feb 2013 110
half asleep, from a bus

glimpse of Buenos Aires - the Plata

14 Feb 2013 102
Some international flights come in at an airport that does not handle domestic flights, so we were bussed from one to another for, as one person put it, "A change of waiting place."

our hotel in Puerto Iguazu

a colorful part of Puerto Iguazu

a colorful part of Puerto Iguazu

sunset over Paraguay

14 Feb 2013 1 121
SOOC - the sky really was that gaudy.

Puerto Iguazu Airport in the rain

coati mundi

15 Feb 2013 104
Locally called raccoons - many hang around people hoping for dropped or offered food. They also bite, so feeding is not encouraged.

coati, hoping for a handout

Iguazu Falls

15 Feb 2013 98
from the Argentine side

the power of water

water, water everywhere

15 Feb 2013 86
rain, mist, river

Iguazu Falls

15 Feb 2013 99
from the Argentine side

the Twin Sisters

115 items in total