WP2095 WPG - C. N. R. BRIDGE

Photographer/Publisher - Ed Justement

Folder: Photographers and Publishers
Born at Ypres, Belgium in December 1872, he was the publisher of a series of lithographed postcards depicting scenes in Winnipeg. Justement and his wife Emma emigrated to Canada in 1905, reportedly arriving in Halifax aboard the Dominion in March of that year. Justement’s postcards appear to have been produced very shortly afterward, as they include an image of the construction of the T. Eaton Com…  (read more)

03 Apr 2016

201 visits

WP2095 WPG - C. N. R. BRIDGE

POSTCARD Date: Posted February 12, 1906. Publisher / Photographer: Ed. Justement. Notation: This appears to be another card exchanged between collectors. Sent from L. Charleton of 384 Elgin Ave. in Winnipeg to A. Roseberry in New Hampshire, USA, the note on the reverse reads simply; "Thanks for yours. Please send another." The bridge isn't identified, but I wonder if it might not be the main line C.P.R. Bridge, south of the Higgins Ave. bridge, to Elmwood.

03 Apr 2016

186 visits


POSTCARD Date: Posted in December, 1905. Handwritten note dated December 13, 1905. Publisher / Photographer: Ed. Justement Notation: This postcard appears to be one of the many postcards, or "postals", that were exchanged by postcard enthusiasts throughout the word. Addressed to Miss M. Bailey in Kent, England, the note from Olive Burchild in Brandon, Manitoba reads; "I will be pleased to exchange. Many thanks for the card."