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Grote Kerk, Haarlem, interior 2
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Camera: Apple iPhone 12 Pro
Exposure:0.03333 sec. (1/30)
Focal Length:4.2 mm (35 mm equivalent: 31.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Program AE
Resolution:400 x 400 dpi
Dimension:2967 x 3956 pixels
Original Date:2023:07:13 11:15:18.599
Created on:2023:07:13 11:15:18
Software:Capture One 22 Windows
Brightness Value-1.454140305
Circle Of Confusion0.004 mm
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Date Created2023:07:13 11:15:18
Date/Time Created2023:07:13 11:15:18
Digital Creation Date/Time2023:07:13 11:15:18
Digital Zoom Ratio1.222312045
Exif Version0230
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeAuto
Field Of View60.3 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Focal Length In 35mm Format31 mm
Hyperfocal Distance2.71 m
Image Size2967x3956
Legacy IPTC Digest17357A0B5309D6E545828EA5172773 E6
LensiPhone 12 Pro back triple camera 4.2mm f/1.6
Lens Info1.53999996185121-6mm f/1.6-2.4
Lens MakeApple
Lens ModeliPhone 12 Pro back triple camera 4.2mm f/1.6
Light Value3.3
Metering ModeSpot
Region Applied To Dimensions H3024
Region Applied To Dimensions Unitpixel
Region Applied To Dimensions W4032
Region Area H0.043537590945836757
Region Area Unitnormalized
Region Area W0.032019405700424497
Region Area X0.39403274711946634
Region Area Y0.79876475343573161
Region Extensions Angle Info Roll0
Region Extensions Angle Info Yaw90
Region Extensions Confidence Level1
Region Extensions Face ID21
Region TypeFace
Resolution Unitinches
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent7.4
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sub Sec Time Original599
Subject Area2486 1575 748 785
Thumbnail Offset1102
White BalanceAuto
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.5.0

GPS Information

GPS Altitude4.3 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Dest Bearing153.9269867
GPS Dest Bearing RefTrue North
GPS Horizontal Positioning Error2000 m
GPS Img Direction153.9269867
GPS Img Direction RefTrue North
GPS Latitude52 deg 22' 58.81" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude4 deg 38' 15.75" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Position52 deg 22' 58.81" N, 4 deg 38' 15.75" E
GPS Speed0
GPS Speed Refkm/h