
Little Free Libraries

07 May 2017

96 visits


This year I noticed that these leave-a-book, take-a-book libraries were popping up all over Regina. There is a website where people can register their Little Free Library, and in the true spirit of capitalism, you can order ready-made, standard designs, if you like. Much of the charm of these libraries, however, is that builders can make their own, often with leftover materials. This one has a sliding latch above the handle, which seems beside the point, unless it's to keep the door from swinging open in the wind.

08 May 2017

127 visits


An upscale library with three compartments. The stickers and toy objects attached to the blue section denote that this box is for kids books. The white bungalow on top is for older kids...

08 May 2017

117 visits


An elegant re-creation of a country school, where many Saskatchewan kids learned their reading, writing and arithmetic.

13 Aug 2022

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39 visits

a curious pair

Pronghorn antelope looking for supper or a safe place to spend the night, near Lancer, Saskatchewan

31 May 2015

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59 visits

suicide doors

Some vintage cars had rear doors that swung open toward the front of the car, rather than the rear. They were copied from earlier horse-drawn carriages, and were informally called suicide doors because if one opened while a car was moving, there was a greater danger of falling out.

25 Sep 2024

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35 visits

hillside roots-Pine Cree

The sides of the hills that form Pine Cree Coulee rise steeply, with tree roots exposed in places, such as in this image. I think the network of roots is fascinating.