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misty yellow
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Camera: SONY ILCA-77M2
Exposure:0.01111 sec. (1/90)
Focal Length:50.0 mm
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Resolution:96 x 96 dpi
Original Date:2023:01:21 14:26:59
Modified on:2023:01:21 14:26:59
Color SpacesRGB
Date/Time Created2023:01:21 14:26:59+00:00
Exposure Compensation+0.3
Image Size1137x1200
LensSony 50mm F1.4 (SAL50F14)
Lens MakeSony
Lens ModelSony 50mm F1.4 (SAL50F14)
Light Value10.6
Metadata Date2023:01:21 14:26:59-06:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
On 1 Export DataewogICAgImJ1aWxkIjogIjE4LjAuNC 4xNDc2MiIsCiAgICAidGltZXN0YW1w IjogIjIwMjMtMTItMjZUMTU6MDI6NT ZaIgp9Cg==
Resolution Unitinches
Samples Per Pixel3
Thumbnail Offset1260
White BalanceManual
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.6.0