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Folder: Deutschland

Schloss Solitude

04 Sep 2018 37 54 808
TSC: Black and white/ add colour version as PiP Editing: RAW standard conversion in Lightroom, square crop, BW conversion in Silver Efex Pro with a red filter added de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schloss_Solitude en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Solitude

In the vineyards (view full size!)

23 Aug 2017 35 83 951
In one of Stuttgart's small vineyards at Schimmelhüttenweg. Thankfully the vines survived the severe April frosts, but the fruit trees all suffered- no cherries or apples this year. Am Schimmelhüttenweg, wo sich mit dem Degerlocher Scharrenberg eine der kleinsten Weinlagen befindet. Zum Glück hat der Wein den Aprilfrost überlebt, die Obstbäume hat es dagegen hart getroffen, fast totaler Ernteausfall. 180° Panorama stitched from 23 photos, EXIF: 1/200 • f/11.0 • 50.0 mm • ISO 100/ Canon EOS 6D/ EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM HFF everybody!

03/50 ein Wengertstäffele am Schimmelhüttenweg

12 Feb 2022 36 46 337
Durch die Weinberge des Degerlocher Scharrenberg verläuft der Schimmelhüttenweg, von dem steile Stäffele durch die Weinberge abgehen.

07/50 Degerlocher Scharrenberg

26 May 2017 47 80 310
Eine der kleinsten eingetragenen Einzel-Reblagen in Baden-Württemberg, 360-420m über NN, S-SW, Hangneigung 35-60%. HFF to all Ipernity friends!


12 Feb 2022 31 72 277
hFF folks, have a good weekend!

Stuttgart vom Haigst (view full size)

23 Aug 2017 24 38 1239
Santiago de Chile-Platz offers a great viewpoint from the heights of Haigst over Stuttgart City and beyond. Aussicht auf die Stuttgarter Innenstadt vom Santiago-de-Chile-Platz auf dem Haigst. www.stuttgart-tourist.de/weinwanderweg-stadtmitte-bis-degerloch#dmdtab=oax-tab1 Panorama stitched from 13 photos, EXIF: 1/200 • f/11.0 • 90.0 mm • ISO 100/ Canon EOS 6D/ EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM Santiago-de-Chile-Platz: Innenstadt:

Multiple fence


24 Jan 2022 28 67 229
"Hier wache ich", "Zutritt verboten" In spite of this very mixed welcome - hFF and a good weekend, folks!

04/50 Römerstrasse

24 Jan 2022 37 66 290
Römerstrasse is one of Stuttgart's steepest roads, starting at the valley bottom and leading 1,4km and ~ 150m uphill. In several places the road turns into flights of steps as in the photo where 116 steps end at a house with the number 116! The steps are actually quite nicely graded, the road that follows is much worse;-) The steps seen from the top:

02/50 Schickstaffel

09 Oct 2022 45 72 328
hFF, folks! Schickstaffel is named after classicist painter Gottlieb Schick (1776-1812). In its upper part it's a normal road (Schickstrasse) which turns into several flights of steps as the terrain gets steeper. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuttgarter_St%C3%A4ffele

Ecco la bellezza della vita!

22 Jul 2023 27 42 296
SC55: a quote, saying or poetry Un dì all'azzurro spazio guardai profondo, e ai prati colmi di viole, pioveva loro il sole, e folgorava d'oro il mondo: parea la terra un immane tesor, e a lei serviva di scrigno il firmamento. Beginning of the Improvviso from Umberto Giordano's Andrea Chenier, words by Luigi Illica (1857-1919). One of the best libretti ever written. The historic André Chenier was a poet who died under the guillotine in 1794. Another contribution in the clickable note: Mies van der Rohe, Mr "Less is more":

Stuttgart Süd vom Weißenburgpark

30 May 2017 19 42 697
The Sunday Challenge (TSC): a place you love Because Stuttgart is surrounded by hills it tends to get very stifling in the heat. Weißenburgpark is higher up and affords a bit of fresh(er) air and views of the city. The hill in the first note (Karlshöhe) is another local favourite. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wei%C3%9Fenburgpark

Teehaus im Weißenburgpark

16 May 2017 22 50 1106


06 Jan 2017 12 22 776
Teehaus was built in 1913 by architect Wilhelm Henes as a garden pavilion in Weißenburgpark. It now is a popular beer garden. Weißenburg was a medieval castle destroyed in 1312. In the 19th century a villa was built on the site which was bought by Ernst von Sieglin in 1898. Under his ownership the garden was landscaped and the pavilion, a tennis court and a hall for festive meetings were built. After falling into disrepair, the garden was restored in 1961, the buildings in 1988-92. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wei%C3%9Fenburgpark

01/50 Staffel zur Weißenburg

08 Oct 2022 24 26 278
CMT15: staircase, stairs Flight of steps in Weißenburgpark, site of a former castle and now a popular viewpoint over Stuttgart. There even is a beer garden:-) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wei%C3%9Fenburgpark Due to its topography Stuttgart has hundreds of named and unnamed "Stäffele" (flights of steps) leading up the hills surrounding the city centre. When the terrain gets too steep streets sometimes have dead ends and continue as steps;-) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuttgarter_St%C3%A4ffele

Putto (2xPiP)

21 Feb 2019 31 54 400
SSC: focus All photos taken in Stuttgart's Weißenburgpark. On the site of a former villa there is now a park into which some remaining smaller structures are integrated. The putto riding on a snail and the satyr below are from the Art Nouveau period and adorn a terrace. On the main photo I used f/11 to get the whole putto into focus, the photos in the notes were both taken with a shallower f/5.6 (second inset is clickable).


21 Feb 2019 51 44 816
Im Weißenburgpark

100 items in total